INRIA, a national research institute in France, has started a GitHub page that compiles a list of helpful resources for open science. If you don’t see your favorite tool or resource listed, you can add it.
Top 5 Things We Tweeted This Year!
These are our top 5 tweets for 2016! Thanks for all the Twitter love, everybody! Texas ScholarWorks @utdigitalrepo The @utlibraries scholarly publishing site is now live! Learn about #openaccess, #opendata, #copyright and more! Texas ScholarWorks @utdigitalrepo ACRL Releases Updated Scholarly Communication Toolkit … Texas ScholarWorks @utdigitalrepo More #openaccess… read more
UT Austin sets up PeerJ account
UT Austin has joined as institutional plan members of PeerJ. PeerJ publishes open access articles in the biological, medical, and computer sciences. They also host a preprint repository where authors can share a draft of an article for free. PeerJ and PeerJ Computer Science offer fast publishing turnaround (median of… read more
Top OA author
In celebration of Open Access Week 2016, we’d like to highlight our top OA author, Dr. Chandra Bhat. Dr. Bhat, a Professor in the Dept. of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering and Director of the Center for Transportation Research, has more articles in our online archive, Texas ScholarWorks (TSW), than anyone… read more
UT Libraries institute OA policy
AUSTIN, Texas—The University of Texas Libraries has taken the first step to institute an open access policy for staff at The University of Texas at Austin. A modest plan to induce Libraries staff to deposit articles and conference papers into Texas ScholarWorks, the university’s digital repository, was recently approved by… read more
Open Access Week 2016
Knowledge unfortunately isn’t free. Much of the research being conducted at universities, colleges, and institutes around the world is written up by professors, graduate students, and research associates and published in toll-access (subscription) journals. Anyone lacking a subscription to that journal will not be able to access the articles published there. This… read more
Year of Open events
The Year of Open is a joint effort by the University of Texas Libraries and Texas Learning Sciences to raise the profile of open content on the campus of The University of Texas at Austin, in the city of Austin, and in the surrounding area. During the 2015-2016 academic year… read more
Thank you to Clifford Lynch!
As part of our “Year of Open,” UT Libraries hosted CNI Executive Director Clifford Lynch for a public presentation. Titled “Evolving Scholarly Practice and the New Challenges for Scholarly Communications, ” Dr. Lynch discussed multiple topics pertaining to digital scholarship, including data management, digital curation, research replication, and data packaging.… read more
UT Austin supports OLH
UT Austin has joined an international consortium of libraries in supporting the Open Library of Humanities (OLH). OLH is a charitable organization that publishes open access humanities scholarship without charging any article processing charges. The costs of publication are supported by a consortium of over 190 partner libraries. OLH publishes… read more
Luminos and UT Austin
The University of Texas at Austin is a Futura Level member of Luminos. Luminos is a University of California open access monograph publishing program. It has the same selection, peer review, and production process as their traditional publishing model, but with a different mechanism for distributing the titles they publish.… read more