We at Texas ScholarWorks wanted to congratulate Carla Hayden on her appointment as the new Librarian of Congress! She is not only the first women to hold the post, but the first African American. We wish her luck and we are confident that she will provide the knowledge and experience… read more
ACRL issues policy statement on OA
The Association of College and Research Libraries has issued a policy statement about open access to scholarship by academic librarians. The statement encourages academic librarians to publish in open access journals or to archive their final manuscript in an open access repository. This seems a long overdue statement as librarians… read more
OpenCon scholarship
Are you interested in creating better access to research and educational materials? Do you want to help make that a reality on the UT Austin campus? If so, please consider applying for a travel scholarship to attend OpenCon 2016. OpenCon is an academic conference for students and early career researchers… read more
Google Books copyright case
The Google Books copyright case (Authors Guild vs Google) is finally over – more than 10 years after it started. The Supreme Court refused to hear the appeal from the authors which means the Second Circuit Court decision stands – that the Google Books digitization project was a fair use.… read more
Scholarly publishing site live
OA Panel event cancelled
Evaluating publishers
I was asked to give a talk to the Mechanical Engineering department about ethical vs unethical publishing practices. One of the topics of that conversation was how to evaluate a journal you are unfamiliar with. There is a really great checklist that was developed by Nina Collins at Indiana Tech… read more
Poland adopting national open textbook program
Poland has recently adopted two open textbook initiatives. One focuses primarily on textbooks for the first three years of school and the other initiative is for primary and secondary education across the board. https://www.opensocietyfoundations.org/voices/poland-pioneering-worlds-first-national-open-textbook-program
Flipping subscription journals to OA
Scholarly communication learning opportunities
Winter/spring semester 2016 is full of learning opportunities on a variety of scholarly communication topics. Friday, February 12th, 12:30-1:30: Deceptive -vs- ethical publishing practices. PCL 1.124 Wednesday, February 17th, 1:00-2:00: Copyright and academic work. Learning Lab 2 (PCL 2.340). Wednesday, March 2nd, 12:00-1:00: Statistics in Texas ScholarWorks. PCL 1.124 UT… read more