Are you interested in creating better access to research and educational materials? Do you want to help make that a reality on the UT Austin campus? If so, please consider applying for a travel scholarship to attend OpenCon 2015. OpenCon is an academic conference for students and early career researchers… read more
UTDR will be renamed…
Texas ScholarWorks! The contest to rename the UT Digital Repository has ended. The winning suggestion, Texas ScholarWorks, was submitted by a UT Libraries’ staff member, and that person won a $50 Visa gift card. We did a drawing from participants for two additional prizes – a $25 HEB gift card… read more
Help rename our repository!
We are upgrading the UT Digital Repository (UTDR) and as part of the upgrade we want to rename it. We’re looking for a name that will be easy to remember and reflect the amazing work being done by faculty, students, and staff all over campus. We want your help in deciding… read more
UT Austin now using EZID
UT Austin faculty, students, and staff can now request digital object identifiers (DOIs) and Archival Resource Keys (ARKs) for their research products – articles, datasets, posters, etc. DOIs and ARKs are persistent identifiers that allow you to reliable point other people to your work – improving the research process and… read more
New chart outlines public access policies
Science has just published a short news story about public access policies at federal agencies. They have a really nice chart showing U.S. science agencies, their budgets, their model of dissemination of research articles, estimated # of articles per year, and when the policy starts. For the full news… read more
FASTR reintroduced
The Fair Access to Science and Technology Research (FASTR) bill has been reintroduced with bipartisan support. One difference between FASTR and the White House memo of a couple years ago, is that FASTR requires an electronic copy of a journal article resulting from publicly-funded research to be made available within… read more
OA journal from Penn State announced
Penn State has announced the start of a new OA journal called Digital Literary Studies. Digital Literary Studies will publish “scholarly articles on research concerned with computational approaches to literary analysis/criticism, or critical/literary approaches to electronic literature, digital media, and textual resources”. Their call for submissions for the inaugural issue… read more
Fair Use Week 2015!
We are proud to announce that UT Austin is celebrating Fair Use Week! UT students, faculty, and staff use fair use every day. Professors teach, undergraduates learn, and researchers advance knowledge relying on fair use to use copyrighted information. Fair Use Week is an occasion to promote the opportunities presented… read more
Fair Use and MOOCs
As Fair Use Week begins, Francesca Giannetti and David Hunter considers the use of readily and legally available digital media for MOOCs. Their experience stems from assisting a University of Texas professor with an online jazz appreciation course. In helping University of Texas at Austin professor Jeff Hellmer identify and include… read more