Judge Denny Chin heard oral arguments yesterday in the long running case regarding the lawsuit over Google’s library book scanning project. Comments from Judge Chin during oral arguments seem to indicate he will be inclined to rule that Google’s digitization project including Google Books search engine fall within fair use.… read more
OA Week 2013 Events
Dates and times have been finalized for UT Libraries’ OA Week 2013 events. Monday, October 21st, 4-6 pm: Wikipedia Editathon in the Perry Castañeda Library (PCL 1.124) Tuesday, October 22nd, 12-1:30 pm: Open Access Panel Discussion in the Student Activity Center Legislative Assembly Room (SAC 2.302) Wednesday, October 23rd, 12:30-1:30… read more
Half of 2011 papers free to read
The European Commission recently released a report that finds that half of all articles published in 2011 are now freely available to read. The rise of open access journals, delayed free access in traditional journals (typically a 12 month embargo), and author-archived copies are all believed to contribute to the… read more
Responses to the White House OSTP Directive on Open Access
I had been waiting for the draft plans in response to the Feb, 2013 White House Directive on Open Access to be released, so we might see what affect the plans would have on our own planning for our institutional repository, the UTDR, as well as to plan educational and… read more
Project Open Data
President Obama recently signed an Executive Order to make government data more accessible to the public. The terms of the Executive Order and the new Open Data Policy state that all newly generated government data will be made available in an open, machine-readable format. In an effort to help federal… read more
Oregon State adopts open access policy
Oregon State University unanimously approved an open access policy at their June 2013 Faculty Senate meeting. “The policy grants Oregon State University a non-exclusive license to exercise any and all rights under copyright relating to its faculty’s scholarly articles, in any medium, and to authorize others to do the same,… read more