Hello Everyone,
I wanted to share some information about the PHY 317K/L summer courses for 2024 here. I’ll send more information via Canvas as we get closer to the start of the summer courses.
These are synchronous online courses, which means that you are expected to virtually attend class via video stream. If you have a schedule conflict during the time when class is scheduled, kindly try to see if you can make yourself available during class time. If you cannot, you should not enroll in this course expecting to take this course asynchronously. Additionally, note that exams will take place during class time, but virtually.
When considering enrolling in these courses, kindly check when final exams are scheduled by the university for these courses as you will be expected to take the final exams as scheduled (see https://registrar.utexas.edu/schedules/246/finals).
PHY 317K/L are calculus-based courses, so kindly be sure that you meet the math prerequisites as we will be using calculus.
Best regards,
Dr. Perera