- The Arabidopsis Information Resource (TAIR)
- 1001 Genomes (Catalog of Arabidopsis Genetic Variation)
- DOE Joint Genome Institute (JGI) (Arabidopsis lyrata Genome Sequence)
- Salk Arabidopsis Transcriptome Genomic Express Database
- ASRP (Arabidopsis Small RNA Project)
- Phytozome (Plant Genome Database)
- C-value (Plant DNA C-Value Database)
- MazeGDB (Maize Genetics and Genomics Database)
- Maize Genome Browser
- Gramene (Comparative Genome Database of Grasses)
- CottonGen (Cotton Genomics Database)
- miRBase (microRNA Database)
- MIPS (Munich Information Center for Protein Sequences)
- RepBase (Prototypic Repetitive DNA Sequences in Eukaryotes)
- PubMed
- SRA (Short Read Archives)
- GEO (Gene Expression Omnibus)
- ENCODE (The Encyclopedia of DNA Elements)
- TCGA (The Cancer Genome Atlas Program)
- NIH Human Microbiome Project
- CGDB (Circadian Gene Database)
- MicrobiomeDB
- Plant Microbiome Database
- Plant Microbiome (Nature Portfolio Collection)
- GitHub (Unlock your computational potential with a better developer experience)
- ATTED-II (Co-regulated gene relationship analysis for gene function estimation)
- Bio-Array (Web-based tools for working with functional genomics and other data)
- DIURNAL (Search and visualization tools of circadian gene expression profiles)
- zPicture (Alignment and visualization tool)
Facilities at UT Austin
- Center for Biomedical Research Support
- TACC (Texas Advanced Computing Center)
- GSAF (Genome Sequencing and Analysis Facility)
- Plant Growth Facility
- Animal Resources Center