Building Access
RLP building hours:
Public Hours: 6 am to 10 pm Daily
Badge accessible: 10 pm to 11:45 pm Daily
All occupants of the PRC office spaces within RLP are given badge access the building. This includes RLP badge accessible times as well as access to the PRC corridors on the 2nd floor. The PRC 2ndfloor corridors are open from 8am-5pm daily. If you are having issues with your badge access or think that you may need access, please email
Key requests are submitted by the PRC administrative staff upon final appointment and assignment to a PRC office space. The key forms are submitted electronically to the key office, and you will receive an email when your key is ready to pick up. All keys must be picked up within 30 days of the pickup email. Failure to pick up your key within this time frame will result in a restocking charge. If you are in need of a key, and didn’t receive notification of a key form being submitted, please email
Lost or stolen keys must be reported to UT Lock and Key Services. A Lost or Stolen Key Report must be submitted by you, the key holder, to, documenting the circumstances of the loss. If key is lost under special circumstances (e.g., the key was taken in the commission of a crime), Lock & Key Services will provide a copy of this report to UTPD upon request. Please copy service on the request with the form and we can then fill out a new key authorization request for you.