Cash Advance Request Procedure
Cash advances are used to pay subjects for participation in research studies. Please be advised that we will need at least 10 business days from the time you make your request to the date for which you are requesting the check. Cash advances are issued for funds to be distributed within a 6 month period.
To request a cash advance, please submit a request via the Cash Advance Request Form.
A cash advance should be requested if cash will be issued to participants. The cash advance will need to be issued to the person responsible for the cash (PI or project manager). The cash advance will be deposited directly into this person’s bank account. Cash advances take 1-2 weeks to be processed and are issued for funds to be distributed within a 6 month period. Once the 6 month period has ended the cash advance will need to be reconciled with completed multiple participant forms (MPF). Any unused funds will need to be paid back to UT.
To request a cash advance, we’ll need to know who it should be issued to, how much you need, date funds are needed, which account to use, when you need the funds, and how you plan on distributing the funds (i.e. 16 participants will receive $100 gift cards). We’ll also need the IRB for the study.
Important Information About Cash Advances
Complete information about cash advance policies and procedures, including links to the downloadable signature receipt forms, may be found here.
The Office of Accounting will not issue a cash advance prior to 30 days of the travel/study date.
Subject Payments
It is crucial that all research subjects given money for participation in a study complete & sign either the Individual Receipt Form or the Multiple Participant Receipt Form.
Participant Forms
The Individual Receipt Form should only be used if the participant expects to receive more than $600 from research participation within one calendar year. It can also be used to protect the privacy of the subject, but this will also require that the requestor write a memo explaining why the form was used for this purpose. It is much easier (in this case) to have one person per Multiple ParticipantReceipt Form so as not to confuse privacy issues with tax liability issues.
Cash advances are issued for funds to be distributed within a 6 month period. Once the 6 month period has ended the cash advance will need to be reconciled with completed participant forms. Any funds distributed outside of the cash advance period will be reimbursed to you separately and not be counted towards your reconciliation. Unused funds will need to be reimbursed to UT. Checks should be made out to UT Austin and can be delivered to the PRC Admin staff to submit with your reconciliation.
Cash advance time periods cannot extend beyond the budget period end date of the account you are using. This “end date” is not the project end date, but the one listed on the award for your current account funds.
Extensions cannot be granted for cash advances.
Tango Card Orders
Refer to Using Tango Card for Research Participant Compensation (PDF) for guidance.
Departments must retain at the departmental level the following required reconciliation documentation. Documentation is subject to review and must be provided upon request for auditing purposes.
Gift Cards Purchased with Procard
Refer to HBP 9.1.7.C and HBP 9.1.7.J for guidance.
For ProCard reconciliation, make sure all Individual Receipt Form(s) or Multiple Participant Receipt Form and a completed Summary Reconciliation Sheet are submitted in your monthly documentation. If all gift cards haven’t been given out by the time the ProCard needs to be reconciled,a copy of the receipt and a note from PI will be needed.