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Entertainment Expense Reimbursement
Please submit entertainment reimbursement requests by clicking on the button below. For travel reimbursements, please visit the travel page.
Entertainment expenses include receptions, group meals, conference, retreats, and group meetings. They also include awards/plaques, flowers, and greeting cards.
Entertainment costs may be reimbursed by the department using a faculty’s individual chair account, or on grant accounts if allowable.
Procedures for entertainment expense reimbursement:
- CoLA Entertainment Policy
- Entertainment expenses are limited to $100/person for an event/meeting (including city tax and gratuity). The $100/person limit is not required when there is a negotiated agreement with a vendor for a total package price that includes food and non-food expenses.
- ProCards cannot be used at restaurants.
- Tips/gratuity should be limited to no more than 20% of the pre-tax subtotal. Restaurants often add a tip to the bill automatically, so please check the bill before adding a tip.
- Alcohol charges may not exceed 50% of the food and drink subtotal before tax, tip, and fees.
- An itemized receipt and receipt showing proof of payment is required for reimbursement.
- Receipts must be submitted within 30 days of event to allow payment to be finalized within 60 day deadline.
- Group events with estimated total costs greater than $1,000 require prior approval. Please work with PRC staff to obtain necessary approval prior to event.
- Events over $15,000 will require an exclusive acquisition justification.
- Tax cannot be reimbursed for delivered items. A state sales tax exemption form is available from PRC staff or here.
- Flower purchases must not exceed a total of $200, including delivery/tip, and cannot be covered on a state or endowment account. Flower expenses can only be covered by VDVP or Excellence Funds. Please contact service@prc.utexas.edu to determine which account is appropriate.
- Food and group meal costs are only allowed on certain accounts (i.e. 30-accounts). Some grant accounts may be used if these costs are specifically written in the budget justification. Please email service@prc.utexas.edu if you are unsure.
- Event contracts must be signed by COLA. Please route event contracts to service@prc.utexas.edu at least 3 weeks in advance.
If the event was attended by 10 people or fewer, please provide the name, title, and affiliation for each person in attendance. If the event was attended by more than 10 people, please provide a general description of the group attending. Entertainment Reimbursement Request Form
Alcohol served on campus requires prior approvals. Please contact service@prc.utexas.edu prior to event for assistance.
General Reimbursements
Requests for reimbursement submitted more than 60 days after the event will not be approved by the Dean’s Office. State of Texas Sales Tax is not reimbursable. A state sales tax exemption form is available here.
In order to receive a reimbursement, you should:
- Provide itemized and paid receipts (if in a foreign currency, please indicate the country, date, and currency, along with a translation of the receipt if it is not in English).
- Please provide an account number or account description to be used for reimbursement.
- Reimbursable items include books, membership and registration fees, printing, shipping and postage, gift cards for participants, and subscriptions. Membership fee reimbursements on state accounts are only allowed for some professional organizations.
- Please note: Office supplies, software, furniture, computer equipment, and professional services (i.e. transcription, translating services) cannot be reimbursed. Please see department staff for these purchases.