Puerto Ricans at UT Austin
The present website provides information about events, news, and works by Puerto Rican faculty and students at UT Austin.
On September 20, 2017, Hurricane María struck Puerto Rico and caused unprecedented destruction. Consequently, Puerto Rican students and faculty at the University of Texas at Austin reached out to help their relatives, friends, and communities on the island. In the process, students and faculty shared concerns and contributed in various efforts of outreach and fundraising.
By the joint efforts of graduate students and faculty, we found fellow Puerto Ricans at UT Austin, including 19 graduate students, 10 undergraduate students, 14 faculty members, 1 postdoctoral fellow, and 3 staff members. Since then, numbers have changed, and there are certainly more undergraduate Puerto Ricans at UT.
On December 9, 2017, three faculty members decided to create an organization to pull together any and all individuals at UT Austin who wish to support Puerto Rico’s recovery, and more broadly, to facilitate ways for persons interested in Puerto Rico’s culture, history, or economy to meet one another. Thus, we created the group “PROESA.” Two years later, that group was superseded by another that aimed to work for the well-being of a broader community, especially of Hispanic and Latin American persons at UT Austin; that group is called the Independent Equity Committee (IEC). The IEC works to enable equal pay and equal employment opportunities to apply to persons often excluded from such rights.
Interdisciplinary Speaker Series: “Puerto Rico in Crisis”
organized by Mónica Jiménez, with help from Ted Gordon AADS, John Gonzalez at CMAS, Karen Engle at the Rapoport Center for Human Rights
Visiting Scholar:
“LLILAS-Benson Visiting Resource in 2018-19”
Prof. Carlos Ramos and Prof. Megan Raby (History)
submitted an application to bring Prof. Manuel Valdés Pizzini as a LLILAS-Benson Visiting Resource in 2018-19. He’s an Anthropologist at UPR-Mayaguez and has done extensive work on the governance of coastal and forest resources of Puerto Rico.
submitted in spring 2018
Public Talk:
“Rethinking Sovereignty in the Face of Crisis: Lessons from the Puerto Rican Nationalist Party”
by Mónica Jiménez, Assistant Professor in the Department of African & African Diaspora Studies
March 28, 2018 (postponed) SRH 1.313, Hosted by LLILAS BENSON
Libraries Outreach:
“Puerto Rican Archives Initiative”
César Salgado, Associate Professor, Dept. Spanish and Portuguese, Program in Comp. Literature
Project to preserve and digitalize archives damaged by Hurricane María in Puerto Rico
2018, Benson Library
News Article:
“Teachers Protest the Collapse of Public Education in Puerto Rico”
by Alberto A. Martínez, Professor, Department of History, UT Austin
April 5, 2018, The Hill
Comic Book Review:
“Puerto Rico Strong”
by Sam Ginsburg, Graduate Student, Dept. of Spanish and Portuguese
March 19, 2018, Pterodáctilo
“Rebuilding Puerto Rico”
by Alberto A. Martínez, Professor, Department of History, UT Austin
March 8, 2018, Pale Blue Dot, Daily Texan Podcast, interview by Albert Zhao
Public Talk:
“Puerto Rico in Never-Never Land: Questions of Law and Sovereignty in the Age of Promesa”
by Mónica Jiménez, Assistant Professor, Department of African & African Diaspora Studies
March 6, 2018, Center for Women’s & Gender Studies, Glickman Conference Center
Blog Post:
“Recipe for Rice and Beans in Post-Maria Puerto Rico”
by Mónica B. Ocasio Vega, Graduate Student
January 22, 2018, Pterodáctilo
News Article:
“Will 2018 Be the Year Latino Americans Unite?”
by Lauren Lluveras, Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute for Urban Policy Research and Analysis
January 10, 2018, Latino USA
News Article:
“What Children in Puerto Rico Learned from the Hurricane”
by Alberto A. Martínez, Professor, Department of History, UT Austin
December 29, 2017, Latina
“Donations for Schoolchildren in Aguas Buenas and Cayey”
Gabriel Rodriguez-Rivera, graduate student, and the Club Rotario of Prosper, TX
DHL donated two pallet shipments to Puerto Rico to send School Supplies to PR Students
Link: http://a.co/aG8hRW7
December 1-20, 2017
Organizational Meeting:
“Puerto Rican Organization for Educational Support and Advocacy”
Prof. César Salgado, Prof. Francisco González-Lima, and Prof. Alberto A. Martínez started the steering committee to create an organization of Puerto Ricans at UT Austin, called PROESA
December 9, 2017, Blanton Café
Music Event:
“World Music Night: Caribbean Ensemble”
Prof. Robin Moore
December 8, 2017, Central Market, Butler School of Music
News Report:
“EERC hosts First Student-Run Event”
by Katie Balevic, UT student
December 3, 2017, The Daily Texan
Dance Performance:
“Sembrando Herencia: La Promesa Rebelde”
Puerto Rican Folkloric Dance / Puerto Rican Cultural Center
December 2-3, 2017, George Washington Carver Museum & Cultural Center
“Casino Night: Donations for Hurricane Relief in Puerto Rico”
Student Engineering Council and the Texas Blazers
Casino Night at The Engineering Education and Research Center: “All of the proceeds from the evening went to hurricane relief in Puerto Rico through International Relief Teams.” https://www.dailytexanonline.com/2017/12/03/eerc-hosts-first-student-run-event
December 1, 2017
News Report:
“On Their Own: As public institutions across the country offer aid to Hurricane Maria victims, Puerto Ricans in Texas find lack of initiative from the state’s universities.”
by Albert Zhao, with interviewed of Prof. César Salgado, graduate student Beth Colón-Pizzini, Prof. Carlos Ramos Scharrón, Prof. Alberto A. Martínez, and graduate student Lara Sanchez
November 19, 2017, Daily Texan Atavist
News Article:
“Puerto Rican Students Deserve Support from University”
Alberto A. Martínez, Professor, Department of History
November 9, 2017, The Daily Texan
“6th Annual Roberto Clemente Memorabilia Display”
November 4, 2017, Puerto Rican Cultural Center, 701 Tillery Street, Austin
“Concert: To Puerto Rico with Love”
University Christian Church; raised more than $7,000 for Puerto Rico relief
October 28, 2017
“Hurricane Maria Relief Continues: Ministry of Relocation”
October 21, 2017, Puerto Rican Cultural Center, 701 Tillery Street, Austin
News Article:
“Overpaid in Puerto Rico’s Huge Debt Crisis? A Lesson for the States”
Alberto A. Martínez, Professor, Department of History
October 19, 2017, Texas Perspectives
“Hurricane Maria Relief Continues: Ministry of Relocation”
October 21, 2017, Puerto Rican Cultural Center, 701 Tillery Street, Austin
Exhibit Opening:
“Deudos / Death Debt: The Art of Eduardo Lalo”
Photographs of Puerto Rico in the economic crisis
Discussion by Prof. César Salgado and Prof. Jossianna Arroyo-Martínez
October 19, 2017, Benson Latin American Collection
News Article:
“Is Racial Bias Driving Trump’s Neglect of Puerto Rico?”
Lauren Lluveras, Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute for Urban Policy Research and Analysis
October 18-19, 2017, The Conversation, The Chicago Tribune, Chron.com
News Article:
“Update: UT President Fenves Responds on Calls to Help Academics in Puerto Rico”
by Omar Rodriquez-Ortiz, who interviewed Prof. César Salgado and Prof. Jossianna Arroyo-Martínez
October 18, 2017, Reporting Texas
News Report:
“Faculty Members Speak at Special Forum on Hurricane Crisis Afflicting Puerto Rico, Caribbean”
by Katie Balevic, who interviewed Prof. Jossianna Arroyo-Martinez, Prof. Francisco Gonzalez-Lima, and Prof. Mónica Jimenez
October 18, 2017, The Daily Texan
Discussion Panel:
“LLILAS Foro Urgente: Unnatural Disaster: Puerto Rico & the Caribbean after Hurricanes Irma and Maria”
October 17, 2017, LLILAS & Benson Latin American Collection
Blog Article:
“While Relief Stalls, Puerto Ricans Suffer”
by Nina Guidice
October 17, 2017, The Baines Report
Blog Post:
“Puerto Rico’s Disaster is not just 45”
by Joshua Ortiz Baco, Graduate Student, Dept. of Spanish and Portuguese
October 17, 2017, Pterodáctilo
News Article:
“Nine Habits for a Highly Effective Disaster Recovery”
Lourdes Rodriguez, Associate Professor, Department of Population Health, Director of the Center for Place-Based Initiatives, Dell Medical School
October 16, 2017, Star-Telegram
TV News Report:
“Double Disaster in Puerto Rico: Hurricane and Economic Crisis”
Alberto A. Martínez, Professor, Department of History
October 15, 2017, interviewed by Sharyl Attkisson on FULL MEASURE
“UNIDOS relief fund for Puerto Rico and Mexico”
raised over $800 donated to the Hispanic Federation, national Latino nonprofit which created the UNIDOS relief fund in response to Hurricane Maria and the Mexico City earthquake.
October 13, 2017, UT Hispanic Coalition
News Article:
“UT Hispanic Coalition Raises Funds for Puerto Rico, Mexico Relief”
by Stephanie Adeline, UT student
October 12, 2017 The Daily Texan
News Article:
“Puerto Rican Faculty ask Fenves to Extend Aid after Hurricane Maria”
by Jenan Taha, interviews of Prof. Cesar Salgado and Prof. Luis Zayas
October 11, 2017, The Daily Texan
News Article:
“Puerto Rico: Racializing the Federal Response”
Lauren Lluveras, Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute for Urban Policy Research and Analysis
October 11, 2017, The Globe Post
Collected items to donate to HelpingPuertoRico.org
Public Affairs Alliance for Communities of Color (PAACC)
Feminist Latinx Organization Empowering Society (FLORES)
October 4, 2017, LBJ School of Public Affairs
News Article:
“Students Reflect on Puerto Rico Relief”
by Allyson Waller, Ana Sobrino, Juan Cardoza-Oquendo, https://www.dailytexanonline.com/2017/10/04/students-reflect-on-puerto-rico-relief
October 4, 2017, The Daily Texan
News Article:
“Puerto Rico’s Bankruptcy Will Make Hurricane Recovery Even Harder”
by Lauren Lluveras, Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute for Urban Policy Research and Analysis
September 27, 2017, The Washington Post; September 30, SALON
News Article:
“El horizonte en una isla”
by Joshua Ortiz Baco, Graduate Student, Dept. of Spanish and Portuguese
April 1, 2017, Pterodáctilo
“La Resistencia: Art, Socio-Politics, and Afro–Puerto Rican Womanhood”
Beth Colón Pizzini, graduate student, Department of African and African Diaspora Studies
October 5, 2016 | LLILAS, GWB 4.112
“Racial Identity Attitudes and Ego Identity Development in Dominican and Puerto Rican College Students”
Delida Sanchez, Assistant Professor of Educational Psychology
February 4, 2016, LLILAS, Hackett Room, SRH 1.313
Poetry Forum:
“Am-e-Rícans: First Poéticas para el Siglo XXI Poetry Forum”
Invited poets: Urayoán Noel, Mara Pastor, and Willie Perdomo.
Organized by Prof. César Salgado, Prof. Luis Cárcamo-Huechante and Prof. Jossianna Arroyo-Martínez
April 22, 2011, UT Austin
“Tropical Flanerie in an Off-White City: The FDR Boulevard and Colonial Modernity in San Juan, Puerto Rico, since World War II’”
Prof. Luis Figueroa, Trinity College, Distinguished Speakers in Latin American History Series
February 20, 2008, Department of History, Governors’ Room, Texas Union 3.116
News Article:
“Declaración de académicos y académicas puertorriqueños en Estados Unidos sobre el actual conflicto de la UPR”
by Prof. Jossianna Arroyo-Martínez, Department of Spanish and Portuguese
May 21, 2010, Claridad.
News Article:
“Censura literaria, censura política, ceguera social: ¿Para quién y contra quiénes?”
by Prof. Jossianna Arroyo-Martínez, Department of Spanish and Portuguese
September 16, 2009, Claridad, 4 pages.
“Fin de Siglo: Secrecy and Technologies of the Word in Caribbean Freemasonry”
Jossianna Arroyo-Martínez, Professor, Dept. Spanish and Portuguese
Spetember 2005, Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies Conference, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX
“The Politics of Archival Suppression and Recovery in Puerto Rico: On Editing Lola Rodríguez de Tió’s New York Epistolary (1896-1899)”
César Salgado, Associate Professor, Dept. Spanish and Portuguese, Program in Comp. Literature
December 3, 2004, LLILAs Faculty Fellows Breakfast
Public Talk:
“Talk on the Puerto Rican poet Luis Palés Matos”
César Salgado, Associate Professor, Dept. Spanish and Portuguese, Program in Comp. Literature
October 2, 2000, Puerto Rican Folkloric Dance Company
“González’s Wake: Reinventing 1898 in Post-1980 Puerto Rican Fiction”
César Salgado, Associate Professor, Dept. Spanish and Portuguese, Program in Comp. Literature
Centro de Estudios Puertorriqueños Journal (Fall 1999) 10 (2): 111-123.
“El Entierro de González: Con(tra)figuraciones del 98 en la Narrativa Ochentista Puertorriqueña”
Revista Iberoamericana, Special issue: 1898-1998 (July-Dec. 1998) 184-185: 413-439
“1898 Revisited: Culture, Archive, and Diaspora After the Spanish-American War”
César Salgado, Associate Professor, Dept. Spanish and Portuguese, Program in Comp. Literature
November 13-14, 1998, UT ILAS and Dept. of Spanish and Portuguese.
Panel Discussion:
“Puerto Rico and the Caribbean in ‘98”
César Salgado, Associate Professor, Dept. Spanish and Portuguese, Program in Comp. Literature
April 21, 1998, Austin Community College (Río Grande Campus), Foreign Language Dept.
“Archivos Encontrados: Edgardo Rodríguez Juliá o los Diablejos de la Historiografía Puertorriqueña”
César Salgado, Associate Professor, Dept. Spanish and Portuguese, Program in Comp. Literature
February 11, 1997, UT Department of Spanish Faculty Lecture Series
Poetry Reading:
“Nuyorican” poet Martín Espada
Organized by César Salgado, Associate Professor, Dept. Spanish and Portuguese, Program in Comp. Literature
February 22, 1996, Depts. Spanish & Portuguese, English, and ILAS Caribbean Working Group
“Just Said No: A Panel on United States and Puerto Rico Relations After the 1993 Plebiscite”
Roundtable with Juan Manuel García Passalacqua (Puerto Rican Political Analyst), Carlos Pavón (History Prof., University of Puerto Rico); Federico Subervi (Professor of RTF, UT Austin). Organized by César Salgado, Associate Professor, Dept. Spanish and Portuguese,
March 28, 1994, Dept. of Spanish and Portuguese and ILAS Caribbean Working Group.