by and about Puerto Ricans at UT Austin
New Scholarly Book:
Making Never-Never Land: Race and Law in the Creation of Puerto Rico
by Mónica A. Jiménez, Assistant Professor of African and African Diaspora Studies
June 2024, The University of North Carolina Press
Business News:
“Invest Puerto Rico showcases business opportunities at SXSW 2024”
by The News Journal Staff
March 12, 2024, The News Journal
News Op-Ed:
“What’s Worse: Hurricane Fiona or LUMA in Puerto Rico?”
by Alberto Martinez
Sept. 22, 2022, The Hill
TV News:
“UT Professor Returns to Austin after Hurricane”
by Alberto A. Martínez, Professor, Department of History, UT Austin
Sept. 20, 2022, KXAN
TV News:
“Puerto Rico’s Power Grid”
Sharyl Attkisson interviews Alberto A. Martínez, et al.
Oct. 24, 2021, Full Measure
“Hispanic Equity at the University of Texas”
by Alberto A. Martínez, Professor, Department of History, UT Austin
Feb 11, 2020, KOOP 91.7 FM Fronteriza, interview by Evan Hearn
News Article:
“The Truth about a Warehouse in Puerto Rico”
by Alberto A. Martínez, Professor, Department of History, UT Austin
Jan. 28, 2020, Medium
Major News Editorial:
“Why Can’t UT Austin Hire, Keep Latino Faculty”
by Editorial Board, The Houston Chronicle
Jan 22, 2020, The Houston Chronicle
News Article:
“Is the GWU Estimate of Hurricane Deaths in Puerto Rico Accurate?”
by Alberto A. Martínez, Professor, Department of History, UT Austin
Is the GWU estimate of hurricane deaths in Puerto Rico accurate?
Sept. 18, 2018, The Hill
News Article:
“Teachers Protest the Collapse of Public Education in Puerto Rico”
by Alberto A. Martínez, Professor, Department of History, UT Austin
April 5, 2018, The Hill
“Rebuilding Puerto Rico”
by Alberto A. Martínez, Professor, Department of History, UT Austin
March 8, 2018, Pale Blue Dot, Daily Texan Podcast, interview by Albert Zhao
News Article:
“Will 2018 Be the Year Latino Americans Unite?”
by Lauren Lluveras, Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute for Urban Policy Research and Analysis
January 10, 2018, Latino USA
News Article:
“What Children in Puerto Rico Learned from the Hurricane”
by Alberto A. Martínez, Professor, Department of History, UT Austin
December 29, 2017, Latina
News Report:
“EERC hosts First Student-Run Event”
by Katie Balevic, UT student
December 3, 2017, The Daily Texan
News Report:
“On Their Own: As public institutions across the country offer aid to Hurricane Maria victims, Puerto Ricans in Texas find lack of initiative from the state’s universities.”
by Albert Zhao, with interviewes of Prof. César Salgado, graduate student Beth Colón-Pizzini, Prof. Carlos Ramos Scharrón, Prof. Alberto A. Martínez, and graduate student Lara Sanchez
November 19, 2017, Daily Texan Atavist
News Article:
“Puerto Rican Students Deserve Support from University”
Alberto A. Martínez, Professor, Department of History
November 9, 2017, The Daily Texan
News Article:
“Overpaid in Puerto Rico’s Huge Debt Crisis? A Lesson for the States”
Alberto A. Martínez, Professor, Department of History
October 19, 2017, Texas Perspectives
News Article:
“Is Racial Bias Driving Trump’s Neglect of Puerto Rico?”
Lauren Lluveras, Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute for Urban Policy Research and Analysis
October 18-19, 2017, The Conversation, The Chicago Tribune,
News Article:
“Update: UT President Fenves Responds on Calls to Help Academics in Puerto Rico”
by Omar Rodriquez-Ortiz, who interviewed Prof. César Salgado and Prof. Jossianna Arroyo-Martínez
October 18, 2017, Reporting Texas
News Report:
“Faculty Members Speak at Special Forum on Hurricane Crisis Afflicting Puerto Rico, Caribbean”
by Katie Balevic, who interviewed Prof. Jossianna Arroyo-Martinez, Prof. Francisco Gonzalez-Lima, and Prof. Mónica Jimenez
October 18, 2017, The Daily Texan
Discussion Panel:
“LLILAS Foro Urgente: Unnatural Disaster:
Puerto Rico & the Caribbean after Hurricanes Irma and Maria”
October 17, 2017, LLILAS & Benson Latin American Collection
News Article:
“Nine Habits for a Highly Effective Disaster Recovery”
Lourdes Rodriguez, Associate Professor, Department of Population Health, Director of the Center for Place-Based Initiatives, Dell Medical School
October 16, 2017, Star-Telegram
TV News Report:
“Double Disaster in Puerto Rico: Hurricane and Economic Crisis”
Alberto A. Martínez, Professor, Department of History
October 15, 2017, interviewed by Sharyl Attkisson on FULL MEASURE
News Article:
“UT Hispanic Coalition Raises Funds for Puerto Rico, Mexico Relief”
by Stephanie Adeline, UT student
October 12, 2017 The Daily Texan
News Article:
“Puerto Rican Faculty ask Fenves to Extend Aid after Hurricane Maria”
by Jenan Taha, interviews of Prof. Cesar Salgado and Prof. Luis Zayas
October 11, 2017, The Daily Texan
News Article:
“Puerto Rico: Racializing the Federal Response”
Lauren Lluveras, Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute for Urban Policy Research and Analysis
October 11, 2017, The Globe Post
News Article:
“Students Reflect on Puerto Rico Relief”
by Allyson Waller, Ana Sobrino, Juan Cardoza-Oquendo,
October 4, 2017, The Daily Texan
Blog Post:
“An Annotated Guide to Trump’s Awful Tweets about Puerto Rico”
by Sam Ginsburg, Graduate Student, Dept. of Spanish and Portuguese
September 28, 2017, Pterodáctilo
News Article:
“Puerto Rico’s Bankruptcy Will Make Hurricane Recovery Even Harder”
by Lauren Lluveras, Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute for Urban Policy Research and Analysis
September 27, 2017, The Washington Post; September 30, SALON
News Article:
“Declaración de académicos y académicas puertorriqueños en Estados Unidos sobre el actual conflicto de la UPR”
by Prof. Jossianna Arroyo-Martínez, Department of Spanish and Portuguese
May 21, 2010, Claridad.
News Article:
“Censura literaria, censura política, ceguera social: ¿Para quién y contra quiénes?”
by Prof. Jossianna Arroyo-Martínez, Department of Spanish and Portuguese
September 16, 2009, Claridad, 4 pages.