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Brief Bio
Raji Srinivasan is Jack R. Crosby Regents Chair in Business Administration at the Red McCombs School of Business, University of Texas at Austin.
President, NASMEI, North American Society for Marketing Education in India: 2022-2025.
Secretary, INFORMS Society for Marketing Science, 2022-2025.
She was the Inaugural Associate Dean for Diversity and Inclusion and Sam Barshop at the Red McCombs School of Business from 2018-2022.
Professor Srinivasan is the inaugural winner of the Erin Anderson Award for an Emerging Female Marketing Scholar and Mentor (2009) and American Marketing Association’s Varadarajan Award for Early Career Contributions in the area of marketing strategy and management (2010).
Professor Srinivasan who joined the University of Texas at Austin in 2000, received her PhD from Pennsylvania State University and an MBA from the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, India.
She has a Masters Degree in Physics from Madras Christian College, Chennai, India and a Bachelors Degree in Physics from Women’s Christian College, Chennai, India.
Google Scholar Page:
Professor Srinivasan’s primary research interests are in the areas of organizational innovation, marketing metrics, and algorithmic marketing.
Her papers have appeared in the Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, Management Science, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Marketing Letters, Journal of Retailing, and International Journal of Research in Marketing.
Professor Srinivasan is on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Marketing and serves as Associate Editor for The Journal of Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Public Policy and Marketing and Journal of Product Innovation Management.
Raji Srinivasan is a co-Guest Editor for the International Journal of Research in Marketing Special Issue on “The Tensions and Opportunities of New Technologies in Marketing.”