Awards and Honors


  • Listed (rank 11) on the list of most research-productive scholars in premium American Marketing Association’s list (2011-2021) published Jan 2021.
  • Naresh K. Malhotra award for 2021 for the article that makes the greatest long-term contribution amongst those published in the Review of Marketing Research, for Design Orientation and New Product Performance, Review of Marketing Research, Volume 15.
  • Poets and Quants Top 50 Undergraduate Business Professor (November 2018), one of two selected from the McCombs School of Business.
  • Recipient of the Marketing Strategy SIG of the American Marketing Association’s Varadarajan Award for Early Career Contributions to Marketing Strategy Research (Summer 2010).

       Criteria: The award recognizes the contributions of a marketing                      faculty member who has completed ten or fewer years after receipt             of  his/her doctoral degree. The award recipient will be selected by                 committee comprised of leading research scholars in marketing                       strategy. The criteria for selection include: the overall impact on                     marketing strategy research and practice, research quality, research             quantity, and research leadership

  • Inaugural Recipient of the American Marketing Association’s Erin Anderson Award for an Emerging Female Marketing Scholar and Mentor (Winter 2009).

      Criteria: The award is given “to a female marketing professor who has           made significant research contributions in terms of publications in             leading journals, and working papers under review. The recipient will        also be making teaching and service contributions to her department.”

  • Marketing Science Institute’s Young Scholar (2007). Criteria: individuals who received their doctorate 4-7 years previously whose work suggests they are potential leaders of the “next generation” of marketing academics.
  • “Effects of Opening and Closing Stores of Chain Retailer Performance” (with Shrihari Sridhar, Sriram Narayanan, and Debika Sihi) (2013) won the Journal of Retailing’s Davidson Best Paper Award.
  • “The Effects of Diversity of Product-Market Portfolio on New Firm Exit” (with Gary L. Lilien and Arvind Rangaswamy) (2008) was a finalist for the IJRM Best Paper Award.
  • “Advertising, Research and Development, and Systematic Risk of the Firm” (with Leigh McAlister, and MinChung Kim) (2007) was a finalist for the Journal of Marketing’s 2007 Marketing Science Institute/H. Paul Root Award.
  • “The Emergence of Dominant Designs” (with Gary L. Lilien and Arvind Rangaswamy) (2006), was a runner-up for the American Marketing Association’s TECHSIG Award for the best paper in the Journal of Marketing (2006) on technology and innovation.
  • Awarded the CBA Foundation Research Excellence Award for Assistant Professors by the Red McCombs School of Business in Spring 2006.
  • “Turning Adversity into Advantage: Does Proactive Marketing during a Recession Pay off?” (with Gary L. Lilien and Arvind Rangaswamy) (2005) won the IJRM Best Paper Award.
  • Awarded the Dean’s Fellowship for Assistant Professor in Fall 2002 at the University of Texas at Austin.
  • AMA Doctoral Consortium Fellow, University of Southern California (1999).
  • Winner of the Pennsylvania State University’s Institute for the Study of Business Markets Doctoral Support Award Competition in 1998.
  • Received the Executive Program Scholarship from Pennsylvania State University for outstanding incoming student for 3 years starting 1995.

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