Shultz, Clifford, Janet Hook, Leonard Lee, Wai Yan Leong, Raji Srinivasan, Madhu Viswanathan, and Klaus Wertenboch (2022), JPP&M’s Global Perspective and Impact: An Agenda for Research on Marketing and Public Policy, Journal of Public Policy and Marketing , 41 (1), 34-50.
Giannetti, Verdiana, and Raji Srinivasan (2022), “CorporateLobbying and Product Recalls: An Investigation in the U.S. Medical Device Industry, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science , 32 (4), 397-409.
Srinivasan, Raji, and Tushmit Hasan (2021), “Marketing Metrics for B2B Firms (Raji Srinivasan and Tushmit M. Hasan), chapter in ISBM B2B Handbook.
Srinivasan, Raji, and Gulen Sarial-Abi (2021), “Consumers’ Responses to Brand Harm Crises Caused by Algorithm Errors,” Journal of Marketing , 85(5), 74-91.
Gopal Das, Shailendra Jain, Durairaj Maheswaran, Rebecca Slotegraaf, and Raji Srinivasan (2021), “Impact of Pandemics for Customer and Marketing Outcomes,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science , 49,835–854. *Article selected to be among the top 10 published in 2021 in the Journal.
Giannetti, Verdiana, and Raji Srinivasan (2021), “The Cloud and its Silver Lining: Negative and Positive Spillovers from Automotive Recalls,” Marketing Letters , 1-13.
Srinivasan, Raji (2021), “Catalyst commentary: Will Haste make Waste: A Counter-point to the Benefits of Accelerating Innovations, Journal of Product Innovation Management , 38(2), 242-244.
Nicholas, Crain, Robert Parrino, and Raji Srinivasan (2021), Uncertainty, Prospectus Content, and the Pricing of Initial Public Offerings, Journal of Empirical Finance , 64(2), 160-182.
Ramani, Nandini, and Raji Srinivasan, “Effects of Liberalization on Incumbent Firms’ Marketing Mix Responses and Performance: Evidence from a Quasi-Experiment,” (2019), Journal of Marketing , 83 (5), 97-114.
Ordabayeva, Nailya, and Raji Srinivasan (2019), “The Effects of the Salience of the Sound of Food on Consumption” Appetite, 138, 260-268.
Srinivasan, Raji, and Nandini Ramani (2019), “With Power Comes Responsibility: How Powerful Marketing Departments Can Help Prevent Myopic Management,” Journal of Marketing , 83 (3), 108-125.
Srinivasan, Raji, and Gary L. Lilien (2018), “Design Orientation and New Product Performance,” Review of Marketing Research , 15, 233-258.
Srinivasan, Raji, Girish Mallapragada, and Stefan Wuyts (2018), “Board Interlocks and New Product Introductions,” Journal of Marketing, 82(1), 132-148.
Mallapragada, Girish, and Raji Srinivasan (2018), “Innovativeness as an Unintended Outcome of Franchising: Insights from Restaurant Chains” Decision Sciences, 48(6), 1164-1197.
Chandrasekaran, Deepa, Raji Srinivasan, and Debika Sihi. “Effects of offline ad content on online brand search: Insights from super bowl advertising.” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 46.3 (2018): 403-430.
Becerril, Rafael, Chen Zhou, Raji Srinivasan, and Dan Seldin (2017), “Returns to Service Quality in Partnered Hybrid Offerings,” Journal of Marketing , 81(5), 86-103.
Srinivasan, Raji, and Nandini Ramani (2017), Book Chapter “Digital Multisided Platforms: An Innovation Research Agenda” forthcoming in Handbook of New Product Development Research , editors, Peter N. Golder and Deb Mitra.
Leigh McAlister, Raji Srinivasan, Niket Jindal, and Albert A. Cannella (2016), “Advertising Effectiveness: The Moderating Effect of Firm Strategy,” Journal of Marketing Research , 53 (2), 207-224.
Umashankar, Nita, Raji Srinivasan, and Jeffrey Robert Parker (2016), “Cross-buying After Product Failure Recovery? It Depends on How You Feel About it,” Journal of Marketing Theory & Practice , 24, (1), 1–22.
Raji Srinivasan (2014), “Social Media and Online Networks,” Journal of Marketing , Curated Online Article, by invitation.
Raji Srinivasan and Nita Umashankar (2014), “There’s Something in a Name: Value Relevance of Congruent Ticker Symbols,” 1, Customer Needs and Solutions , 241–252. *Article promoted in media.
Sridhar, Shrihari, Sriram Narayanan, and Raji Srinivasan (2014), “Dynamic Relationships among R&D, Advertising, Inventory and Firm Performance,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science , 42(3), 277-290. (equal contribution, random order of authors)
Nita Umashankar and Raji Srinivasan (2013), “Designing Social Interventions to Improve Newcomer Adjustment: Insights from the Indian Sex Worker Community,” Journal of Public Policy & Marketing , 32 (2), 271-285. *Article selected by American Marketing Association to be promoted in media. Extensively covered by media outlets.
Deng, Xiaoyan and Raji Srinivasan (2013), “Does Transparent Packaging Increase (or Decrease) Food Consumption?” Journal of Marketing , 77(July), 104-117. *Article selected by American Marketing Association to be promoted in media. Extensively covered by media outlets.
Raji Srinivasan, Shrihari Sridhar, Sriram Narayanan, and Debika Sihi (2013), “Effects of Opening and Closing Stores of Chain Retailer Performance” Journal of Retailing , 89(2), 126-139. *Insights from article written up in an article in strategy+business magazine of Booz and Company. * Article covered in NPR in January 2015. * Won the Davidson Best Paper Award in Journal of Retailing.
Shrihari Sridhar and Raji Srinivasan (2012), “Social Influence Effects in Online Product Ratings” Journal of Marketing, 76 (5), 70–88.
Srinivasan, Raji (2012), “Marketing Metrics for Business-to-Business Firms,” book chapter in Business-to-Business Handbook , edited by Gary L. Lilien and Rajdeep S. Grewal and published by the Institute for the Study of Business Markets, Pennsylvania State University.
Srinivasan, Raji and Debika Sihi (2012), “Marketing Information Disclosures: A Review and Research Agenda,” book Marketing Metrics , edited by Shankar Ganesan.
Srinivasan, Raji, Gary L. Lilien, Arvind Rangaswamy, Gina M. Pingitore and Daniel M. Seldin (2012), “Total Product Design Concept: An Application to the US Automotive Industry,”, Journal of Product Innovation Management, 29(S1), 3-20.
Umashankar, Nita, Raji Srinivasan, and Dustin Hindman (2011), “Developing Customer Service Innovations for Service Employees: Insights from a High Technology Firm,” Journal of Service Research , 14(May), 164-179.
Srinivasan, Raji, Gary L. Lilien, and Shrihari Sridhar (2011), “Should Firms Spend More on R&D and Advertising during Recessions?” Journal of Marketing, 79(May), 49-65.
Varadarajan, Rajan, Raji Srinivasan, Gautham Gopal Vadakkepatt, Manjit S. Yadav, Paul A. Pavlou, Sandeep Krishnamurthy, and Tom Krause (2010), “Interactive Technologies and Retailing Strategy: A Review, Conceptual Framework and Future Research Directions, in the special issue of Journal of Interactive Marketing on “Emerging Perspectives on Marketing in a Multimedia and Multichannel Retail Environment”, 24(2), 96-110.
Bowman, Doug, Min Ding, Rajdeep Grewal, V. Kumar, Gary L. Lilien, Das Narayandas, Renana Peres, and Raji Srinivasan (2010), “Calculating, Creating, and Claiming Value in Business Markets: Status and Research Agenda,” Marketing Letters , 21, 287-299.
Srinivasan, Raji, Gary L. Lilien and Arvind Rangaswamy (2008) “The Effects of Diversity of Product-Market Portfolio on New Firm Exit” International Journal of Research in Marketing , 25, 119-128. * Finalist for IJRM Best Paper for 2008
Srinivasan, Raji (2008), “Sources, Characteristics and Effects of Emerging Technologies: Research Opportunities in Innovation,” Industrial Marketing Management , Special issue on Marketing of High-Tech Products and Innovations, 37, 633-640. (by invitation).
Srinivasan, Raji, Pamela Haunschild, and Rajdeep Grewal (2007) “Vicarious Learning in New Product Introductions in the Early Years of a Converging Market” Management Science, 53(1), 16-28.
McAlister, Leigh, Raji Srinivasan, and MinChung Kim (2007), “Advertising, Research and Development, and Systematic Risk of the Firm,” Journal of Marketing , 71 (1), 35-48. * Finalist for Journal of Marketing’s 2007 Marketing Science Institute/H. Paul Root Award.
Srinivasan, Raji, Gary L. Lilien and Arvind Rangaswamy (2006), “The Emergence of Dominant Designs” Journal of Marketing , 70(April), 1-17.
Srinivasan, Raji (2006), “Dual Distribution and Intangible Firm Value: Franchising in Restaurant Chains” Journal of Marketing , 70(July), 120-35.
Srinivasan, Raji, and Christine Moorman (2005), “Strategic Firm Commitments and Rewards for Customer Relationship Management in Online Retailing” Journal of Marketing , 69(October), 193-200.
Srinivasan, Raji, Gary L. Lilien and Arvind Rangaswamy (2005), “Turning Adversity into Advantage: Does Proactive Marketing during a Recession Pay off?” International Journal of Research in Marketing , 22 (June) 109-125. * IJRM Best Paper for 2005.
Srinivasan, Raji, Gary L. Lilien, and Arvind Rangaswamy (2004), “First In, First Out? The Effects of Network Externalities on Pioneer Survival”, Journal of Marketing , 68(January), 41-58.
Srinivasan, Raji and Sundar Bharadwaj (2004), “Event Studies in Marketing Strategy Research”—invited chapter in the book on “Assessing Marketing Strategy Performance” edited by Christine Moorman and Don Lehmann, published by the Marketing Science Institute in Summer 2004.
Srinivasan, Raji, Gary L. Lilien and Arvind Rangaswamy (2002), “Technological Opportunism and Radical Technology Adoption: An Application to E-business,” Journal of Marketing , 66 (July), 47-60.
Mahajan, Vijay, Raji Srinivasan and Jerry Wind (2002), “The Retail Failures of 2000: Were there any Winners?” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science , 30(Special Issue), 474-486.
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