Even with a print run of fewer than 200 copies, the Gutenberg Bible was a major undertaking. A complete copy, like the Ransom Center’s, includes 1,277 large pages that have text printed on them. Each full page required that approximately 2,500 individual pieces of metal type be set by hand,… read more
Johann Gutenberg
Instructions for reading aloud in the Gutenberg Bible
As many readers of this blog will know, Johann Gutenberg and Johann Fust’s Biblia latina (Mainz, 1454–1455) represents the first substantial book printed from moveable type on a printing press. Without question, it is a milestone in information technology. And yet, it is important to remember that
The Jenson Bible joins the Gutenberg Bible’s page turning
Explore the Harry Ransom Center, search digital collections, or plan your visit. Biblia Latina. Mainz: Johann Gutenberg, 1454–55. Genesis, Chapter I. Volume I:5r Among the most striking features of the two volume Gutenberg Bible is the consistency of its printing and the elegance of its letterforms: the rich black ink,… read more