The Ransom Center presents its Summer Film Series, beginning Thursday, June 16, with a showing of FILM (1965) followed by NOTFILM (2015).
Samuel Beckett
Fellows Find: The Christine Brooke-Rose archive
Stephanie Jones is a Ph.D. candidate in the English and Creative Writing Department at Aberystwyth University. At the Ransom Center, she analyzed the Christine Brooke-Rose papers for her dissertation, which is a single-author study on the writer, looking at the neglect of her work as a British author by the industry. Jones’s research… read more
Notes from the Undergrad: Feeling Samuel Beckett’s pain and “Godot” in German
Lily Pipkin was a Plan II student in Dr. Elon Lang’s “Drama in the Archives” course. In the class, students used resources at the Harry Ransom Center to better understand plays, texts, dramatists, cultures from which they are drawn, and the archival process itself. Below, Pipkin shares her experience in… read more