
Digital Quality Assurance for Naval Facilities
Funded by Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command
10/2024 – 09/2027
PIs: Rausch, Stepnoski
Synthesis: Carbon Capture and Repurposing By-Products
Funded by the Texas Department of Transportation
09/2024 – 08/2025
PIs: Rausch, Ferron, Loftus-otway, Rogers
From Solar Panels to Sustainable Concrete: Development of Solar WAste Glass Pozzolan (SWAGPozz)
Funded by The Energy Institute
PIs: Ferron, Rausch
Equitable Technologies for Housing Innovation Center (ETHIC)
Funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
09/2023 – 12/2026
PIs: Rausch, Jiao, Leite, Glenn Griesinger, Lowe, McCoy, Bulbul
Creating Connections for National Security Interest
Funded by UT Office of Defense Research Advancement and UT Applied Research Laboratories
09/2023 – 08/2024
PIs: Rausch, Leite, Alonzo (ARL:UT)
Addressing Decarbonization in the Capital Projects Industry
Funded by the Construction Industry Institute (CII)
09/2023 – 01/2026
PIs: Rausch, Leite
Determining the Effectiveness of Construction Management Plans
Funded by the Texas Department of Transportation
09/2023 – 12/2025
PIs: Caldas, Rausch
Hook’em Building Materials Before the Landfill Does: Diverting Demolition Waste from Frank Erwin Center
Funded by the University of Texas at Austin, Green Fund
07/2023 – 12/2024
PIs: Rausch