Urban Welfare-to-Work Transitions in the 1990s
Authors: Peter R. Mueser and Christopher T. King
Date: October 2001
Publication Type: Report, 47pp.
Abstract: The Center for the Study of Human Resources conducted joint research to revise a March 2001 report on analysis that focused on patterns of welfare use and employment for welfare leavers for central counties in each of the metropolitan areas of Atlanta, Baltimore, Fort Lauderdale, Chicago, Houston and Kansas City. Researchers examined the extent to which economic growth and welfare policy interact to induce observed patterns. Following a review of the literature on the determinants of the welfare caseload and employment of welfare leavers, researchers provided detail on the waiver provisions and related welfare reform activities occurring in each of the sites and their respective states, as well as information on how implementation of the 1996 federal reform legislation influenced state programs. Researchers began their quantitative analysis showing how unemployment rates and welfare caseloads varied across our sites over the period of our study. It was clear that, at most sites, the decline in caseloads occurred at the same time that welfare-to-work transitions occurred in increasing numbers.
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