Researcher(s): Deanna Schexnayder, Daniel Schroeder, Ying Tang, Laura Lein, Julie Beausoleil, and Gina Amatangelo
Date: June 2004
Publisher(s): Ray Marshall Center for the Study of Human Resources, The University of Texas at Austin, and Center for Social Work Research, School of Social Work, The University of Texas at Austin
Abstract: This report on the devolution of subsidized child care in Texas examines and analyzes child care policies and program management at the state and local areas over the six-year time period under study (FYs 1998-2003). It updates state and local policy changes and statistical profiles for FY 2002 and FY 2003, and analyzes the patterns of policy changes, the role of the workforce development board, and local partnerships across the 28 local workforce development board areas. Placed in the context of the nation’s child care policy environment, the report further discusses key issues such as strategies for obtaining local funding and partnerships in the area of subsidized child care, and how state and localities have addressed the issue of quality at a time of fiscal constraint and increased need for services.
Full Report (PDF). 50pp.
Executive Summary (PDF)
Appendices (all PDF)
- Appendix A: Federal and State Policy Changes Affecting the Texas Child Care Subsidy System
- Appendix B: Profiles of Local Workforce Areas
- Appendix B: Profiles of Local Workforce Areas (continued)
- Appendix C: Indicator Maps
- Appendix D: Detailed Information from Interviews with Local Child Care Staff
- Appendix E: Definitions of Terms and Sources of Information
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