Principal Investigator: | Christopher T. King, PhD |
Sponsor: | United Way of America |
Project Duration: | January 2004 – December 2004 |
Description: | Given the enhanced profile and prospects for a national three-digit accessed (2-1-1) network for health and human services information and referral (I&R), United Way of America has contracted with the Ray Marshall Center to estimate the net value to society created by public and private investments in the system. Researchers will quantify the observed benefits and costs associated with eleven fully operational state and local 2-1-1 programs as a basis for estimating the net value of a national system, should policymakers and legislators decide to support such a system.Researchers will employ established methodologies to estimate benefits and costs. Research tasks conducted between March and August 2004 included a review of the I&R and benefit/costs literatures; recruiting and preliminarily screening sites; formally requesting fiscal and operational data; site visits and interviews with program administrators and staff; and conversations with professionals and individuals across the general public who have used 2-1-1 to address their health and human service needs. An interim report is scheduled for September 2004, to be followed by a final report on October 2004. |
Reports Available: | National Benefit/ Cost Analysis of Three Digit-Accessed Telephone Information and Referral Services Authors: Dan O’Shea, Christopher T. King, Stuart Greenfield, Elaine Shelton, Laura Sullivan, Erin Taber, and Jerome A. Olson Date: December 2004 Publication Type: Report, 107pp. |
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