Ying Tang worked for the Center as a Social Science Research Associate from 2000 to 2010. Ms. Tang worked on the devolution of child care subsidy policy and management in the post-PRWORA years and worked with national research institutions to create a policy map that shows the gaps between income and budget needs for basic security among low-income families. Ms. Tang also conducted an assessment of the cost-effectiveness of child-support collection strategies. She was active with the United Way Capital Area in designing a community agenda for Success By 6, an early care and education initiative.
Before joining the Center, Ms. Tang worked as a policy analyst for the Texas Sunset Advisory Commission responsible for the statutory review of state agencies, and worked on a research project that created a community profile for the City of San Antonio on health, employment, education, housing, and legal services under the auspices of the Rockefeller Foundation. She had also designed and executed training programs for foreign government officials in the U.S. in the areas of human resources development, public financial management, and public sector reforms.
Ms. Tang was an assistant professor of English at Fuzhou University in China for five years before coming to the U.S. She holds a Master of Public Affairs degree from the Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs.
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