Principal Investigator: | Christopher T. King, PhD Co-Principal Investigator: Tara Smith, MPA |
Sponsor: | U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration |
Research Partners: | Texas Workforce Commission |
Project Duration: | December 2010 – June 2014 |
Description: | Texas’ Workforce Data Quality Initiative aims to develop a comprehensive system for analysis of workforce and education participation and outcomes. In partnership with the Texas Workforce Commission, the Ray Marshall Center (RMC) is working to build, test, improve, and expand data linkages across linked individual-level, longitudinal education, and workforce records. Through this project, researchers will be able to identify and assess postsecondary pathways and transitions between education, employment, and other outcomes for students exiting the public school system as well as analyze the performance of the human capital development system in Texas, spanning secondary education through postsecondary education, and workforce training and employment. Additional data sources that will be linked into workforce and education records include corrections, Vital Statistics, and federal and military employment from the Federal Employment Data Exchange System (FEDES). The project will also identify barriers to linking these data systems and present possible options for addressing these barriers. Outcomes and data from the Workforce Data Quality Initiative will be used to enhance program improvement, performance management, and research. This will provide researchers and local ISD administrators, as well as state and local policy makers, with information that could ultimately be used to improve young adult connections with the workforce system and help students and parents identify career pathways to high-wage employment. |
Reports Available: | Postsecondary Education, Training and Labor Market Transitions in Texas: A Regional Analysis Authors: Greg Cumpton, Kristin Christensen, Christopher King, Charles Demakis, and Tara Smith Date: June 2014 Publication Type: Report, 64pp. Findings on Student Outcomes: Results from an Employer Survey Pilot Project Workforce Data Quality Initiative Research Brief 7 Workforce Data Quality Initiative Research Brief 6 Workforce Data Quality Initiative Research Brief 5 Workforce Data Quality Initiative Research Brief 4 Workforce Data Quality Initiative Research Brief 3 Workforce Data Quality Initiative Research Brief 2 Workforce Data Quality Initiative Research Brief 1 The Texas WDQI Project TAKS-ing Students? Evaluating Exit Exam Effects on Long-Term Student Outcomes in Texas The Effects of Institutional Inputs on Time to Degree for Traditional and Nontraditional College Students Work-study Financial Aid and Student Outcomes: Evidence from Community Colleges in Texas |
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