Evaluation of Travis County Investments in Workforce Development: 2015 Update
Authors: Dan O’Shea and Kristin Christensen
Date: February 2016
Publication Type: Report, 86pp.
This 2015 Update report extends the labor market outcomes and impact analyses of prior annual updates of the effects of Travis County-funded investments in seven education and training programs for participants who exited services during the 2010-2014 time frame. Impacts are analyzed by means of a quasi-experimental design that uses propensity score matching to select individuals who are comparable along multiple dimensions to those who receive services supported by Travis County. Data are extracted from the administrative records of the programs; The Workforce Information System of Texas (TWIST), the statewide, integrated workforce program database; Work in Texas (WIT), the automated labor exchange system that registers job seekers; and Unemployment Insurance (UI) wage records. The report also contains a brief narrative of the services, supports, and funding for each provider. Outcomes and impacts vary across the spectrum of grantees, as would be expected given their varying services regimes and the challenging populations they serve.
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