Evaluation of Austin Community College’s Strengthening Institutions Program Grant: Implementation Evaluation Findings Through July 2019
Authors: Cynthia Juniper and Greg Cumpton
Date: August 2019
Publication Type: Report, 32 pp.
The Student Money Management Office (SMMO) implementation study seeks to document the evolution of the program from the initial development and implementation starting in July 2016, continuing throughout the duration of the program. The growth and refinement of the SMMO program is a key focus area for the implementation evaluation. This study examines modifications in program design in order to understand how and why changes were made. It is an essential source of information for interpreting the outcomes and impacts of student participation in the programs supported under the grant. Furthermore, the documentation of the program’s evolution over time may help to inform the development of other community college student money management efforts.
Previous reports documented implementation study findings from the first two program years. This report examines the implementation of the third year of SMMO services in a four-year grant cycle, including post-SIP funding sustainability planning for SMMO. This report, in addition to outlining the progress of key initiatives, also describes data-driven project modifications, new initiatives, and project refinements in response to the needs of the participants being served and to improve program efficiency. The implementation of these modifications can play an important factor in student access to information and the impact on student behavior.
The evaluation of the SMMO implementation seeks to answer three key research questions:
1. What progress has SMMO made in the implementation of the project stated objective?
2. How has SMMO changed over time and why?
3. What program and institutional factors contribute to or impede program goal implementation?
This report will present findings related to each of these questions through August 2019. The implementation study draws on multiple sources of data to answer these questions: the ACC and SMMO websites, SMMO Advisory Committee reports, interviews with program staff, SMMO social media platforms, and various SMMO program reports and documents.
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