40 Hours for the Forty Acres is The University of Texas at Austin’s Texas-sized, biannual day of giving. For 40 hours on September 28-29, 2022, UT alumni, students, faculty, staff, parents, and friends come together to support the people, places, and pursuits that mean the most to them, amplifying their impact through the power of Longhorn Nation.
Who We Are
The Ray Marshall Center identifies and fosters creative solutions to poverty by addressing challenging education, workforce, and social problems through applied research, policy and program analysis and evaluation, and innovative program design.
What We’re Fundraising For
Research clients fund the work of the Center. Though both projects and students benefit from interacting with one another, client funds are limited. We’re fundraising to provide supports for more student interactions with our existing and potential clients including: tuition support, GRA stipends, travel, LBJ Brown Bag Lunches, and other student-centered activities.
Your Impact
With this gift, students will gain opportunities to review and submit research proposals, meet with potential and eventual research clients, plan and engage in client-centered research, draft, revise, and publish research, conduct dissemination activities through Brown Bag lunches at the LBJ School, and travel to conferences.
For more information and to donate, visit our 40 Hours for the Forty Acres giving page.