RMC Senior Research Scientist Dr. Chris King co-authored an op-ed ‘Building Back Better’ Means Focusing on the Labor Force & Systems That Support Recovery with The Better Employment and Training Strategies Task force (BETS) published on January 22, 2021 by RealClear Policy.
BETS, a group of more than 40 workforce experts including Dr. King and the Ray Marshall Center, was formed in November 2020 by Prof. Stephen Crawford of the George Washington Institute of Public Policy, Stuart Andreason of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, and Larry Good of Corporation for a Skilled Workforce to develop recommendations aimed at informing the incoming Biden-Harris administration and the 117th Congress on issues and policy options related to five central workgroups: unemployment insurance, workforce development, job quality, youth employment, and federal jobs initiatives. These five workgroups will provide critically needed input into workforce development policy and programmatic conversations around improving the country’s employment and training system.
A second report, Building Back Better: A National Jobs Strategy, Policy Proposals and a Framework for Action, was also recently published by members of BETS’s federal jobs strategy workgroup.