Publications (Peer-Reviewed)

  1. Du, Rex and Tsung-Yiou Hsieh (2023), “Leveraging Online Search Data as a Source of Marketing Insights,” Foundations and Trends in Marketing, 17(4), 227-291.
  2. Lu, Guanyi, Rex Du, and David Peng (2022), “The Impact of Schedule Consistency on Shift Worker Productivity: An Empirical Investigation,” Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 24(5), 2780-2795.
  3. Du, Rex, Oded Netzer, David Schweidel, and Deb Mitra (2021), “Capturing Marketing Information to Fuel Growth,” Journal of Marketing, 85(1), 163-183.
  4. Lu, Chongyu and Rex Du (2020), “Consumer Click Through Behavior Across Devices in Paid Search Advertising,” Journal of Advertising Research, 60(4), 394-406.
  5. Du, Rex, Linli Xu, and Kenneth Wilbur (2019), “Immediate Responses of Brand Search and Price Search to TV Ads,” Journal of Marketing, 83(4), 81-100.
  6. Du, Rex, Mingyu Joo, and Kenneth Wilbur (2019), “Advertising and Brand Attitudes: Evidence from 575 Brands over Five Years,” Quantitative Marketing and Economics, 17, 257-323.
  7. Damangir, Sina, Rex Du, and Ye Hu (2018), “Uncovering Patterns of Product Co-Consideration: A Case Study of Online Vehicle Price Quote Request Data,” Journal of Interactive Marketing, 42, 1-17.
  8. Du, Rex, Ye Hu, and Sina Damangir (2015), “Leveraging Trends in Online Searches for Product Features in Market Response Modeling,” Journal of Marketing, 79(1), 29-43.
  9. Du, Rex and Wagner Kamakura (2015), “Improving the Statistical Performance of Tracking Studies Based on Repeated Cross-Sections with Primary Dynamic Factor Analysis,” International Journal of Research in Marketing, 32(1), 94-112.
  10. Hu, Ye, Rex Du, and Sina Damangir (2014), “Decomposing the Impact of Advertising: Augmenting Sales with Online Search Data,” Journal of Marketing Research, 51(3), 300-319.
  11. Lee, Eunkyu, Richard Staelin, Weon Yoo, and Rex Du (2013), “A “Meta” Analysis of Multi-Brand, Multi-Outlet Channel Systems,” Management Science, 59(9), 1950-1969.
  12. Du, Rex and Wagner Kamakura (2012), “Quantitative Trendspotting,” Journal of Marketing Research, 49(4), 514-536.
  13. Kamakura, Wagner and Rex Du (2012), “How Economic Contractions and Expansions Affect Expenditure Patterns,” Journal of Consumer Research, 39(2), 229-247.
  14. Du, Rex and Wagner Kamakura (2011), “Measuring Contagion in the Diffusion of Consumer Packaged Goods,” Journal of Marketing Research, 48(1), 28-47.
  15. Du, Rex and Wagner Kamakura (2008), “Where Did All That Money Go? Understanding How Consumers Allocate Their Consumption Budget,” Journal of Marketing, 72(6), 109-131.
  16. Du, Rex, Wagner Kamakura, and Carl Mela (2007), “Size and Share of Customer Wallet,” Journal of Marketing, 71(April), 94-113.
  17. Du, Rex and Wagner Kamakura (2006), “Household Life Cycles and Lifestyles in the United States,” Journal of Marketing Research, 43(1), 121-132.
  18. Moorman, Chris, Rex Du, and Carl Mela (2005), “The Effect of Standardized Information on Firm Survival and Marketing Strategies,” Marketing Science, 24(2), 263-274.
  19. Du, Rex, Eunkyu Lee, and Richard Staelin (2005), “Bridge, Focus, Attack, or Stimulate: Retail Category Management Strategies with a Store Brand,” Quantitative Marketing and Economics, 3(4), 393-418.
  20. Du, Rex and John Farley (2001), “Research on Technological Innovation as Seen through the Chinese Looking Glass,” Journal of Enterprising Culture, 9(1), 53-89.
  21. Clarke, Thomas and Rex Du (1998), “Corporate Governance in China: Explosive Growth and New Patterns of Ownership,” Long Range Planning, 31(2), 239-251.

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