Faculty Advisor
Ryan P. Russell
R.P.R. began his career as a member of the Guidance, Navigation, and Control Section at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory where he was involved as mission designer and orbit determination analyst for a variety of space flight projects. He also worked on proposals and advanced concepts for space missions to Earth, the Moon, Mars, comets, asteroids, and the moons around Jupiter and Saturn. He further supported internal research on developing technologies such as low-thrust trajectory optimization and science orbit design at planetary moons. From 2007-2011, R.P.R. was on the faculty at the Georgia Institute of Technology, creating a research program focused on a variety of theoretical and applied areas in astrodynamics. He joined the faculty at UT Austin in 2012. With almost two decades of space related research, R.P.R. has authored or co-authored over 200 conference and other technical publications; and has been a recipient of several NASA, JPL, AIAA, AAS, and other awards.
Current Graduate Students
Chun-Yi Wu
David Cunningham
Bryn Fanger
Noah Lifset
William Brandenburg
Brady Harrison
Quinn Moon (co-advising)
Jad Bourjeili
Shubham Singh, Shift Robotics
Sean McArdle, NASA JSC
David Ottesen, LeoLabs
Patrick Wittick, The Aerospace Corporation
Kevin Bokelmann, Applied Physics Laboratory/Johns Hopkins
Ricardo Restrepo, NASA JPL(post-doc)
Etienne Pellegrini, NASA JPL
Ashley Biria, The Aerospace Corporation
Noble Hatten, Texas Satellite Lab, The University of Texas at Austin; now:Applied Physics Laboratory/Johns Hopkins
Corwin Olson, Applied Research Labs, The University of Texas at Austin
Vivek Vittaldev, Planet
Demyan Lantukh, The Aerospace Corporation
Nick Bradley, NASA JPL
Nitin Arora, (graduated from Georgia Tech) NASA JPL; now: Blue Origin
Gregory Lantoine, (graduated from Georgia Tech) NASA JPL
Kybeom Kwon, (co-advised, graduated from Georgia Tech) Republic of Korea Air Force Academy
James Leith
Carter Franz, The Aerospace Corporation
Ed George, The Aerospace Corporation
Chase Brown
Forrest Ward, Firefly Aerospace
Robert See
Max Schadegg
Hemanshu Patel
Danny Browne
Josh Ross
Danny Browne
Adam Brinckerhoff
Bala Radharamanan
Sean Blackman
Jason Yu
Cengiz Akinli (co-advised)
William J. Gallagher (co-advised)
Visiting Scholars
Jose Jose Angel Gutierrez Ahumada
Diogene Alessandro Dei Tos
Bruno Sarli
Nitin Arora