SCAN will be hosting a bake sale celebrating the Mid-Autumn Festival on September 19th from 9am-3pm in the Nursing Lobby!
We hope to see you come out and eat delicious baked goods with us! Everything is donation based!
, Filed Under: Events
, Filed Under: Events, Meetings
Welcome back! We hope you had an awesome summer and are ready to start up again with us! We have a lot planned for this semester such as volunteer events, socials, fundraising and more! Come to our first meeting September 11th from 5:00-6:30 in room 5.178
Further meeting dates are listed as follows:
, Filed Under: Events, Meetings
SCAN will hold a speaker event tomorrow with Christina Hwang, RN, MSN. Christina is the occupational health nurse lead for the Austin Public Safety Wellness Center. This is a great event to come to if you are interested in public health, or want to learn more about public health!
Date/Time: Thursday, March 22 from 5:30-6:30 pm
Location: Nursing school, room 5178