Did you know it’s possible to create a link in your Canvas navigation that will take students straight to your office hours in Zoom?
It is! And, here’s how:
Educational Technology in UT Austin School of Nursing
Serving the learning technology & instructional design needs of faculty in UT's School of Nursing
Posted on | By Sean White | Filed Under: Media & A/V, Software & Apps | Tagged With: Canvas, Engagement, Media, Office Hours, Website, Zoom
Did you know it’s possible to create a link in your Canvas navigation that will take students straight to your office hours in Zoom?
It is! And, here’s how:
Posted on | By Sean White | Filed Under: Media & A/V, Software & Apps | Tagged With: Canvas, Office Hours, Screencast, Virtual, Zoom
Now that Zoom is enabled in all your Canvas courses, you have a couple different options available to you when it comes time to schedule office hours.
But what’s the best option?
Should you schedule your Zoom meetings for office hours in Canvas? Or, should you do so from the Zoom website?
There are pros and cons in either case. So, to help you decide, I’ve created this short (10 min.) video to walk you through the steps involved in both options.
Posted on | By Sean White | Filed Under: Software & Apps | Tagged With: Adobe Connect, Canvas, Office Hours, Virtual
Virtual Office Hours
Traditionally, office hours offer a predetermined time and place where students can visit with faculty for any of a number of different reasons. But sometimes, scheduling conflicts might arise, life might get in the way and students just can’t make it to your office when you’re available.
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