We welcome technical and clinical collaboration and seek self-motivated, creative, and accountable undergraduate, graduate, and postdoctoral researchers to join us to change the world with medical imaging!
Postdoctoral Fellows
We currently have funding to support a postdoctoral fellow with expertise in MRI physics, pulse programming (Siemens) and/or signal processing. Please contact Dr. Bush with your CV and an email about your interests and goals for postdoctoral training.
Graduate Students
We are accepting doctoral students interested in imaging methods development and clinical translation who have been admitted into the Department of Biomedical Engineering at the University of Texas at Austin. Applications for these programs are submitted in fall (usually November) of each year. https://www.bme.utexas.edu/academics/graduate-program/admissions
Research Volunteers
If you are interested in learning about ongoing research studies or participating as a scan subject please contact a lab member or Dr. Bush.