Today there are more ways than ever before to identify what is in the air, who is emitting it, and how communities are affected by what they breathe. This report highlights data sources that legal professionals and community advocates can use in their fights for cleaner air.
Public Participation Resources
Guide to Air Quality Permitting for Concrete Batch Plants
Due to the ubiquity of concrete batch plants, many communities throughout Texas are suffering from the pollution caused by concrete batch plants. Neighbors report particulate emissions coating their homes and cars and causing respiratory problems. They also object to the diesel trucks that cut through their communities and emit toxic… read more
Texas Environmental Public Participation Guide
Decisions by Texas’ primary environmental agency, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), and by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) directly impact health and safety and air and water quality in Texas communities. This guide, published in Spring 2017, explains how you can participate in TCEQ and EPA permitting,… read more
Securing Safe Drinking Water for Texans
The majority of public water systems in Texas are in compliance with contaminant standards and reporting requirements. However, hundreds of public water systems are supplying their customers with water containing unsafe levels of contaminants and have been for years. These systems are frequently, though not always, small systems in rural… read more