Due to the ubiquity of concrete batch plants, many communities throughout Texas are suffering from the pollution caused by concrete batch plants. Neighbors report particulate emissions coating their homes and cars and causing respiratory problems. They also object to the diesel trucks that cut through their communities and emit toxic air pollutants while idling outside concrete batch plants waiting to load. Most people do not know, however, how to engage in the permitting process to attempt to require better controls and reduced pollution at concrete batch plants. This guide, published in Fall 2018, is intended to provide an overview of the Texas air permitting process for concrete batch plants and the types of pollution controls that communities could seek through that process.
Guide Attachments:
- Attachment A – TCEQ, Air Quality Standard Permit for Concrete Batch Plants, RG056 (Dec. 2000)
- Attachment B – TCEQ, Concrete Batch Plant Standard Permit Protectiveness Review (Sept. 24, 2012)
- Attachment C – TCEQ, Amendments to the Concrete Batch Plants Air Quality Standard Permit (2012)
- Attachment D – U.S. EPA, Emission Factors Documentation for AP-42 Section 11.12-Concrete Batching (2006)
- Attachment E – TCEQ, General Permit for Stormwater Discharges from Concrete Batch Plants