Session A: Health and Social Consequences of Pregnancy
RLP 1.302B
9:00 am-10:30 am
Chair: Diane Coffey, Associate Professor, Sociology, UT Austin
Amanda Nagle, Doctoral Student, Sociology, Texas Policy Evaluation Project Researcher and Population Research Center Trainee, UT Austin
First Estimation of Severe Pregnancy Loss Morbidity in Texas
Bullying, School Context, and Adolescent Epigenetic Aging
Payal Hathi , PhD candidate, Sociology and Demography, University of California, Berkeley
Quantifying pregnancy and pregnancy loss in demography
Dana Johnson , Doctoral student, Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs, Population Research Center Trainee, Sociology, UT Austin
Self-managed abortion using misoprostol from a telemedicine service
Kristen Burke , PhD candidate, Sociology, Population Research Center Trainee, UT Austin
Prospective & Retrospective Postpartum Fertility Intentions
Session B: Peers and Adolescent Health
Room 1.302D
9:00 am-10:30 am
Chair: Matthew Andersson, Associate Professor, Sociology, Baylor University
Sarina Attri, Research Technician, CATCH My Breath, UT Austin
Social Norms and E-Cigarette Use/Susceptibility Among Youth
Kiera Coulter, Postdoctoral Scholar, UT Austin
Peer Conversations During the Black Lives Matter Movement
Connor Martz, NICHD T32 Postdoctoral Fellow, Population Research Center, UT Austin
Bullying, School Context, and Adolescent Epigenetic Aging
Session C: CAPS Texas Aging Network: Life Course Precursors of Physical and Cognitive Health at Older Ages
RLP 1.302E
9:00 am-10:30 am
Chair: Chandra Muller, Professor, Alma Cowden Madden Centennial Professorship, Ashbel Smith Professorship, Sociology, Center on Aging and Population Sciences (CAPS), UT Austin
Mateo P Farina, Assistant Professor, Department of Human Development and Family Sciences, UT Austin
School Quality and Accelerated Biological Aging in among Older Adults in the United States
Yiwen Wang, Postdoctoral Fellow, Sociology, Rice University
Daily Stress and Cognition of Aging Same-Sex and Different-Sex Couples
Zhiyong Lin , Assistant Professor, Sociology and Demography, UT San Antonio
Social Isolation and Risk of Dementia: Do Race-Ethnicity and Gender Matter?
Brian Downer, Associate Professor, School of Public and Population Health, University of Texas Medical branch
Trends in Education Gradients in Cognition in Mexico