Julia Aziz (Glick) (MSSW ’99) has just published the book Lessons of labor: One woman’s self-discovery through birth and motherhood, with MSI Press. Rather than giving advice on how to labor or how to parent, Julia consistently offers the message that a woman can grow through the challenges that life presents her and learn to trust herself.
Susan Kraus (MSSW ’78) has recently published two novels, Fall from grace, and All God’s children. In disguise as thrillers and mysteries, these novels delve into the ambiguity and complexity of polarizing social issues like custody battles over children and gay bashing. Susan has had a private practice (therapy and mediation) in Kansas for decades. She lives in Lawrence, KA, with her husband, Frank Barthell. They have two adult children, Sarah and Ben. Susan has completely lost touch with anyone she knew at UT Austin, and she would love to re-connect. Email her at susan@susankraus.com