Last fall, master’s student Griselda Onofre was interning at a homeless clinic in downtown Austin. As part of her internship, she participated in “team huddles,” where doctors, nurses, and behavioral health specialists got together to discuss patient cases. “It was very eye-opening to see this interaction,” Onofre says. “One time… read more
It’s all about teamwork
With much of the nation’s healthcare system fragmented and uncoordinated, patients are often left struggling to receive optimum care. Interprofessional education, an emerging field of teaching and research involving social work and other academic disciplines, is addressing the need for coordinated healthcare by developing teamwork models for health practitioners that… read more
Power to the people (of South East Austin)
Neighborhood revitalization initiatives can address various issues affecting underserved communities. We talked with Alba Sereno, MSSW ’11, who is the community programs coordinator for Go! Austin/Vamos! Austin (GAVA) in South Austin. GAVA targets communities with higher than average childhood obesity rates, and employs place-based health models to improve the environment… read more