The C.D. Doyle Clinic in downtown Austin provides free services to the homeless population and a place for students of medicine, nursing, pharmacy and social work to sharpen their professional skills and connect with the homeless community. “We see clients at the end of their visit to the clinic, and… read more
Spring 2018
What to do after a breast cancer diagnosis?
“You have cancer.” One small phrase can change the life of someone who has been waiting anxiously since finding the first lump. The moments after a diagnosis are some of the hardest for breast cancer patients and their loved ones. And the health care system is not structured to make… read more
Socks for the sole
While volunteering at the student-run C.D. Doyle clinic, social work junior Lu Tran noticed that socks were frequently listed on donation requests. He decided to create Socks for the Sole, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that raises funds to purchase socks and donates them to organizations that serve Austin’s homeless community.… read more