Sehun Oh received the 2019 SSWR Doctoral Fellows Award for his dissertation proposal, which focuses on mindfulness-based interventions in the context of opioid misuse during pregnancy and mother-infant relationships. Congratulations Sehun!
Spring 2019
Field and FASDs
The Health Behavior Research and Training Institute developed the free webinar “Women, risky drinking and alcohol-exposed pregnancies: A framework for field instructors,” as part of its work with the Collaborative for Alcohol-free Pregnancy, a CDC-funded initiative. The webinar describes risk factors for alcohol-exposed pregnancy, fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD), and… read more
Girasol program
The Texas Institute for Child & Family Wellbeing has launched Girasol, a program to help Texas immigrant children and families to heal from trauma through support, education, and connection. Girasol projects include a social work team that collaborates with legal teams to provide support to women and children in detention;… read more