Terri Spahr Nelson is psychotherapist, consultant, educator, and author with more than 30 years of experience working in mental health and behavioral sciences, and specializing in victims of violence and trauma. She is a military veteran, twice awarded the Army Commendation Medal. She is Director of the Bachelor’s of Social… read more
Class Notes
Spring 2015 Class Notes
‘82 Gary E. Bachman, MSSW ’82, is an associate professor and the director of field education in the Department of Social Work at Park University in Parkville, MO. Gary was the 2012 recipient of the J.L. Zwingle Student Voice Award, a university-wide award that recognizes a member of the faculty… read more
Class of ’80
Members of the MSSW class of ‘80 gathered in Austin this past November, when they joined the School of Social Work for the presentation of “Wild & Precious,” a one-man show written and performed by class member Steve Cadwell. “At this time in my life, I could return to the… read more