Barbara W. White, dean emeritus, passed away July 19 in her Austin home surrounded by her family. She was born Feb. 26, 1943, in Jacksonville, Florida. She received a Master of Social Work and a doctorate in political science from Florida State University. White was the first African American dean… read more
We all know it takes a village! Meet the members of our community
Spring 2019 Community
Why I give Major Joe H. Giles, Sr., MSSW ’65 “It is with gratitude that I support the Steve Hicks School of Social Work. I recall the two-story World War II building and helping carry a paraplegic class member up the stairs; professor Laura Lee Pederson’s decorative orange; professor Charles… read more
Fall 2018 Community
Why I give Catherine Mullan (MSSW ’05) was working as a hospital social worker after graduating. She decided that she wanted a nursing degree, too. “I am a better nurse because I was a social worker first, and I always tell people this when they ask me,” she said. Mullan… read more