Grandparents’ love
The Elizabeth Ann Adkins Endowed Scholarship in Social Work

Marjorie Bintliff Johnson and Raleigh W. Johnson, Jr. established this scholarship to honor their granddaughter Elizabeth (BSW ’13, MSSW ’13).
“Elizabeth has been a delight all of her life and always friendly and helpful to everyone with whom she comes in contact,” they say. Although only one of 15 grandchildren, she was the one “who would always come up from behind to give us a big hug and kiss amid any confusion going on.”
The Johnsons want to ensure others have the opportunity to pursue the field of social work.
Caring for our elders
The Torbert Family Endowment for Excellence in Eldercare
Jill Torbert (BA ’79) highly values her social work training in her current work as a county attorney. While caring for her parents over the past eight years, she discovered a severe lack of quality services for her older adults.
“We tend to keep them out of view and they become the forgotten generation. Older adults should remain fully integrated into society and be a part of the community,” Jill says.
Jill and her husband Vincent R. Johnson have established this endowment to help give social workers the skills and knowledge needed to help the elderly have more fulfilling lives.
Faith in action
John F. Yeaman Endowed Graduate Fellowship in Community and Administrative Leadership
John F. Yeaman (MSSW ’72) went to work on the War on Poverty after earning his master of social work. He saw first-hand the power of organizing people and then working with them to accomplish their goals.
John took a 20-year retirement as a Methodist pastor to earn his master’s. He sees social work as a vital part of faith in action – faith of both the religious and non-religious who are committed to social justice.
He has created this fellowship to benefit graduate students preparing to organize and work with groups and communities.
Tikkun Olam
Cathy and Morris Bart Endowed Scholarship in Social Work
Cathy Bart attended UT Austin from 1976-78. Morris Bart, New Orleans attorney with several offices located throughout the South, attended the “other UT” – the University of Tennessee. Both are very proud that their daughter Jennifer Bart, a junior at the School of Social Work, has such a strong desire to help people.
In the Jewish faith this is known as Tikkun Olam, which literally means to “repair the world.” Their other two daughters have also chosen service-oriented fields – teaching and social work.
In this spirit of helping others, Cathy and Morris are proud to establish an endowment at The University of Texas at Austin.
Why I Give
Pam Lincoln (MSSW ’99) chooses to give each year to the UT Austin School of Social Work because it gave her a lot of opportunities and opened doors.
“I want to help give the same opportunities to today’s students,” she says.
Pam appreciates that the School of Social Work excels in research as well as in teaching.
“By supporting it, I feel like I’m helping advance our profession and making sure students and practitioners in the field have access to the best research-based practices and trainings.”