Scanning Electron Microscopy (located in EER 0.752)
FEI Quanta 650 SEM features three imaging modes- high vacuum, low vacuum and environmental SEM (ESEM), which enables charge-free imaging and microanalysis of non-conductive specimens without preparation. Chemical analysis is available thanks to the equipped Bruker EDX system. It is also equipped with Quorum Cyro-stage to image the specimen in its “natural” hydrated state.
Hitachi S-5500 SEM provides sub-nanometer resolution and is also capable of imaging in scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) mode. The bright field (BF) and dark field (DF) Duo-STEM detector allows simultaneous observation of BF and DF STEM images. The equipped energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) can probe the chemical composition of materials at nanometer scale.
SEM access details
Access is available to the FEI Quanta 650 ESEM
- Hourly fees
- Trained On-Campus UT Users: $40/h
- Higher Ed/State Agencies: $111/h
- Corporate Users: $111/h
To become a user of this instrument please contact Andrei Dolocan to schedule a training session. Email: