In mid-October, TRAIN faculty and students travelled to Indianapolis, Indiana for the 2022 INFORMS Annual Meeting and various sessions organized by the INFORMS Railway Application Section.
Jiaxi Zhao presented “Evaluating Peak Volume Recovery in Hump Yards with Anylogic Simulation“.
Geordie Roscoe presented “Optimizing the Rollout of Alternative Propulsion Locomotives Using Full Corridor Simulation” on his ongoing research tool development work sponsored by the Department of Energy ARPA-E LOCOMOTIVES program.
Steven Shi presented “Analysis and Prediction of Freight Railroad Shipping Rates: Regression Versus Machine Learning“.
Prof. Dick and Geordie Roscoe also conducted a demonstration of their in-development Advanced Locomotive Technology and Railway Infrastructure Optimization System (ALTRIOS) simulation software tool during the RAS Interactive Session. This tool is designed to simulate the energy consumption and emissions associated with deployment of various conventional and alternative energy locomotive technologies across different rail corridors with their unique topography and traffic patterns. ALTRIOS is being developed in conjunction with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory and Southwest Research Institute with the support of BNSF Railway and funding from the US Department of Energy Advanced Research Projects Agency – Energy (ARPA-E) LOCOMOTIVES program.