Congratulations to TRAIN PhD student Jiaxi Zhao on her two research papers recently published in academic journals! One paper is related to her novel study of yard and terminal derailment severity funded by the Federal Railroad Administration. The second paper is related to her ongoing work to investigate various classification yard capacity and performance relationships by developing a yard simulation model using AnyLogic software. The resulting yard simulation model is currently being used to understand the operational consequences of yard derailment incidents, and how quickly individual yards and rail networks experience disruptions and recover to normal operations as a function of various operating, infrastructure and resource factors.
The references and DOI links for both papers are as follows:
Zhao, J., C.T. Dick and D. Kang. 2022. Analysis of derailment severity comparing unit trains at transload terminals and manifest trains at railroad switching and hump classification yards. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. doi: 10.1177/03611981221137593.
Zhao, J., and C.T. Dick. 2022. Quantifying the impact of classification track length constraints on railway gravity hump marshalling yard performance with AnyLogic simulation. International Journal of Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements. 10(4): 345-358. doi: 10.2495/CMEM-V10-N4-345-358.