
Journal Publications (2017 – Present)

Yoon, C., Flachs, E.M., Ellinger, M.E., and Bogard, D.G., “Overall Cooling Effectiveness with Internal Serpentine Channels and Optimized Film Cooling Holes,” Journal of Turbomachinery, vol. 146, p. 091002, Sept. 2024.

Fox, D.W. , Furgeson, M., and Bogard, D. G., “Considerations for Compressible Film Cooling: A Computational Study of the Effects of Transonic Flows and Varying Mainstream Mach Number,” in Volume 7A: Heat Transfer — Combustors; Film Cooling, (Boston, Massachusetts, USA), p. V07AT12A022, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, June 2023.

Jones, F.B., Fox, D.W., and Bogard, D.G.,Experimental and Computational Investigation of Shaped Film Cooling Holes Designed to Minimize Inlet Separation,” ASME J. Turbomach., Vol. 145(9), pp. 091007-(10 pages), Sept. 2023, DOI:10.1115/1.4062460. Published Online: June 9, 2023.

Veley, E.M., Thole, K.A., Furgeson, M.T., and Bogard, D.G., “ Printability and Overall Cooling Performance of Additively Manufactured Holes With Inlet and Exit Rounding,”  ASME J. Turbomach., Vol. 145(3), pp. 031017-(12 pages), March. 2023, DOI: 10.1115/1.4056389

Gutierrez, D., Yoon, C., Furgeson, M.T., Veley, E.M., Bogard, D.G., Thole, K.A., “Evaluation of Adjoint Optimized Holes – Part I: Baseline Performance,” ASME J. Turbomach., DOI: 10.1115/1.4056390. Published Online: December 1, 2022.

Moore, J.D., Easterby, C.C., and Bogard, D.G., “Experimental and Computational Investigation of Film Cooling Performance and External Flowfield Effects Due to Impingement Coolant Feed in the Leading Edge of a Turbine Blade,” ASME J. Turbomach., Vol. 144(9), pp. 091006-1-13, Sept. 2022, DOI:10.1115/1.4053840

Horner, M.J., Yoon, C., Furgeson, M., Oliver, T.A., and Bogard, D.G., “Experimental and Computational Investigation of Integrated Internal and Film Cooling Designs Incorporating a Thermal Barrier Coating,” ASME J. Turbomach., Vol. 144(9), pp. 091001-1-12, Sept. 2022, DOI:10.1115/1.4053723

Moore, J.D., Yoon, C., and Bogard, D.G., “Surface Curvature Effects on Film Cooling Performance for Shaped Holes on a Model Turbine Blade,” ASME J. Turbomach., Vol. 142, pp. 111008-1-9, Nov. 2020 DOI: 10.1115/1.4048582

Oliver, T.A., Bogard, D.G., and Moser, R.D., “Large eddy simulation of compressible, shaped-hole filmcooling,” Int. J. of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 140, pp. 498-517, June 2019.  doi: 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2019.04.119

Fox, D.W., Jones, F.B., McClintic, J.W., Bogard, D.G., Dyson, T.E., and Webster, Z.D., “Rib Turbulator Effects on Crossflow-fed Shaped Film Cooling Holes,” ASME J. Turbomach., Vol. 141, pp. 031013-10, Mar. 2019. doi: 10.1115/1.4041673

McClintic, J.B., Fox, D.W., Jones, F.B., Bogard, D.G., Dyson, T.E., and Webster, Z.D., “Flow Physics of Diffused-Exit Film Cooling Holes Fed by Internal Crossflow,” ASME J. Turbomach., Vol. 141, pp. 031010-9, Mar. 2019. doi: 10.1115/1.4042166

McClintic, J.W., Anderson, J.A., and Bogard, D.G., “Effect of Internal Crossflow Velocity on Film Cooling Effectiveness – Part II: Compound Angle Shaped Holes,” ASME J. Turbomach., Vol. 140(1), pp. 011004-10, Jan. 2018. doi: 10.1115/1.4037998

Chavez, K.F., Slavens, T.N., and Bogard, D.G., “Experimentally Measured Effects of Incidence Angle on the Adiabatic and Overall Effectiveness of a Fully Cooled Turbine Airfoil with Showerhead Shaped Holes,” ASME J. Turbomachinery, Vol. 139(9), pp. 091007-1-10, Sept., 2017. doi: 10.1115/1.4036200

Polanka, M.D., Rutledge, J.L., Bogard, D.G., and Anthony, R.J., “Determination of Cooling Parameters for a High-Speed, True-Scale, Metallic Turbine Vane,” ASME J. Turbomachinery, Vol. 139, pp. 011001.1-9, Jan. 2017. doi: 10.1115/1.4033974

Boyd, E.J., McClintic, J.W., Chavez, K.L., and Bogard, D.G., “Direct Measurement of Heat Transfer Coefficient Augmentation at Multiple Density Ratios,” ASME J. Turbomachinery, Vol. 139, pp. 011005.1-11, Jan. 2017. doi: 10.1115/1.4034190

Conference Proceedings (2021 – Present)

Ellinger, M.E., Flachs, E.M., Kulkarni, A.N., and Bogard, D.G., 2024, “Evaluation of Superposition Predictions of Adiabatic and Overall Effectiveness for three rows of Film Cooling Holes with Differing Geometries”, GT2024-128105.

Ellinger, M.E., Flachs, E.M., and Bogard, D.G., 2024, “Investigation of the Effects of Geometry Variations on the Performance of an Adjoint Optimized Film Cooling Hole”, GT2024-128042.

Yoon, C., Ellinger, M.E., Bogard, D.G., “Evaluation of Pressure Drop and Cooling Effectiveness of Serpentine Channels with Varying Internal Rib Configurations,” ASME Gas Turbine Expo, paper GT2023-104216, Boston, USA, June, 2023.

Fox, D.W., Furgeson, M.T., Flachs, E.M., and Bogard, D.G., “Experimental Study of Compressible Film Cooling Scaling and Hole Geometry,” ASME Gas Turbine Expo, paper GT2023-104038, Boston, USA, June, 2023.

Furgeson, M.T., Veley, E.M., Yoon, C., Gutierrez, D., Bogard, D.G., and Thole, K.A., “Development and Evaluation of Shaped Film Cooling Holes Designed for Additive Manufacturing,” ASME Gas Turbine Expo, paper GT2022-83201, Rotterdam, Netherlands, June, 2022.

Yoon, C., Gutierrez, D., Furgeson, M.T., and Bogard, D.G., “Evaluation of Adjoint Optimized Hole – Part II: Parameter Effects on Performance,” ASME Gas Turbine Expo, paper GT2022-82726, Rotterdam, Netherlands, June, 2022.

Easterby, C.C., Moore, J.D., and Bogard, D.G., “CFD Evaluation of Internal Flow Effects on Turbine Blade Leading Edge Film Cooling with Shaped Hole Geometries,” ASME Turbo Expo Conference, Paper GT2021-59780, Virtual Conference, June. 2021.

Moore, J.D., Easterby, C.C., and Bogard, D.G., “Effects on Film Cooling Performance in the Showerhead from Geometric Parameterization of Shaped Hole Designs,” ASME Turbo Expo Conference, Paper GT2021-60014, Virtual Conference, June. 2021.

Fier, N.D. and Bogard, D.G., “Additively Manufactured Porous Geometries for Hybrid Turbine Cooling,” ASME Turbo Expo Conference, Paper GT2021-58991, Virtual Conference, June. 2021.