OpenCityAI is a AI chat model trained on a massive amount of public city information, making it able to generate answers for a variety of questions that people may have about their cities. It provides accurate responses with citations in a simple easy-to-use interface. One of the focuses for this… read more
Smart City Data Integration
Open Data portals and such for cities are increasingly popular for local goverment to publish and communicate data to the public. While the dedicated interface makes it easy for data owners to upload data, it lacks comprehensive means to connect relavant data for a particular topic of interest. As datasets… read more
National Housing Data Portal
Open Data portal containing housing data from and additional city information. Users can choose to view aggregated housing data from the residential listings database or market analysis metrics from market hotness index. We enrich this data with US Census demographic data and geometric shp files. Users can… read more
Community Hub for Smart Mobility (CHSM)
The goal of this project is to develop, implement, and evaluate a Community Hub for Smart Mobility (CHSM) to solve the job/housing mismatch in US cities. The research team will focus on Georgian Acres, a historically under-resourced neighborhood in northeast Austin, Texas and work with multiple civic partners to address… read more
Austin AI Housing Analysis
A lack of affordable housing is a major problem in US cities from the Bay Area to Boston. Austin is no exception. In 2015, the Austin-Round Rock metropolitan area was named one of the most economically segregated areas in the country. With more people moving to the region – roughly… read more
AI Image Generation for Architecture Design
This project allows users to create unique images depicting architecture and design to assist with the idea creation process. Architects often need to create novel, never-before-seen designs for buildings, landscapes, and interiors. With so many existing buildings in the world, it can be difficult to come up with truly unique… read more
Active Fire Incident Map
This project provides active fire incidents of every major city on an interactive map. The tracker is updated in almost real-time from all over the nation. This live tracker updates with the latest smoke runoff from each fire, keeping you well informed and out of danger, as well as keeps… read more
Convergent, Responsible, and Ethical AI Training Experience (CREATE Roboticists)
CREATE Roboticists will train future roboticists who: (i) understand the ethical implications of service robots and can develop new theories, methods, and techniques to satisfy ethical requirements; (ii) design human-centered ethical service robots that respect human autonomy and ethical values; and (iii) develop robotics policy informed by cutting edge convergent… read more
Short to Medium Range Autonomous Delivery Systems (SMADS)
An interdisciplinary team spanning across four UT labs is developing a building-to-building delivery system for the UT Austin campus using robots that will improve contactless deliveries and save people time. These robots will cross complex terrain, navigating around people, cars, and other obstacles typical to campus roadways. Team Members: Junfeng… read more
Transit Desert Research
This website was developed using research methods created in the Urban Information Lab at the University of Texas at Austin. Each block group is classified as either a transit oasis, properly served area, or a transit desert. A transit oasis is an area with more transit service than normal for… read more