== 10/23 ==
.course curriculum changes..
talk to curriculum board (valvano, evans,.. not sure who else)
^these people look @ CIS
see if they will meet with us .. we need to get our information together
where is Sabee….
reach out to students who Q drop…………….
the professors push back b/c they don’t want to be told how to teach
but we are trying to tell them what topics to teach.. not how to teach
why you want standardization?
definition of what that means: general syllabus for the specific course
do you feel prepared?
missing information from a previous course that you need for your current course?
next steps:
questions for survey by friday
make survey.. send it out
have meeting with curriculum board to present this information
.semester ‘check in’ survey
either though chase is worried about this he should know its not as formal
as long as info is not publicly viewed
only EE courses…. but if it’s blank (not course specific)
new ECE staff started; Sarah will talk to her about this in nov
.sponsored orgs:
supposed to get support from department
separate conversation on this b/c IEEE doesn’t get any sponsorship..
.connect partnership stuff…
table this until EERC comes up. it is a way to convince companies to partner with us
sarah thinks it is worth bringing up to Tewfik
don’t have leverage right now
if we do wait, we can tell partners that they can partner with us and become a connect partner and then they can table in EERC lobby for access to many ECE students. works well in CS; companies are there all the time and get to connect to hundreds of students
side thought: if we push back now and wait until building comes department might take away financial support to orgs for agreeing to plan
before the end of the semester we will have a meeting with Tewfik to talk about this
**we should have a meeting with CS.. TSSA & GT(don’t remember acronym)
^walter said he would talk with them to see how it works w/ department
-don’t know if building will actually go up in time anyway: or if we want to go through with this now they can be partner now then when building goes up you get a discount (early bird special
department should be asking companies to be connect partners.. not through us