UAB Meeting Minutes: 5/7/15
In Attendance: Jason, Qian, Miranda, Walter, Ismael, Maddie, Mahtaab, Matt
Absent: Tyler, Sabee (Sarah’s fault for not sending email), Will (no longer board member, replaced by Miranda)
We spent this meeting talking about other issues besides the Connect program and the future of student organizations and possible budgets.
Old Items:
Will H. is working on transferring log in info to the website
Mehtaab interested in helping be webmaster, talk with Will
New Items:
Org Space in EERC:
Sarah will set up a meeting with all org Presidents, Dr. Tewfik and Leland (EERC Project Manager) to go over current student org space
Connect Partners EXPO:
May be an event hosted by UAB in the future
Invite industry sponsors from student orgs as well to help recruit for Connect?
Sarah will discuss this with Nancy, we may need to wait until there are more Connect Partners
Future ECE Events:
Looking for more ways to keep students connected
Ideas: Games days, shared meals with professors, weekly ECE newsletter
Newsletter: most popular idea, to include: org events, Connect events, advising/course announcements, needs to be in rich text not plain text and look official from the department
Sarah will look into getting this done for the Fall
Research Opportunities:
Eureka website is outdated
Some students use Hire a Longhorn to get positions
UAB hosted research fair/poster session for ECE students, used to recruit undergrads for unpaid/paid positions with faculty
Possible future 1 hour course on how to get involved with research and maybe graduate school prep? NOT replacing X60 (research) course
Will be discussed further
ECAC and Resume Help
ECAC is too general, students want examples of resumes that got job offers
Maybe offering large database
ECAC is not very focused towards ECE
Students want alumni advice:
maybe advice “column” in newsletter?
Live talk or fire side chat?
Alumni panel before EXPO on career tips and how to get offers
Master contact list based on industry with alumni who are willing to talk with current students?
Mehtaab and Walter working on more formal proposal and detailed issues with ECAC and ECAC website
ECE Webpage:
Course info is still out of date: Sarah will work on
It would help to have tags for technical core electives and better organization to see what order upper division tech cores courses should be taken
Information is hard to find: put links to information in various places
Flow Chart would be more helpful in a table with links to course schedule
Will be discussed further
Concerns about quality of information
All board members charged with thinking of 2-3 things to put on a FAQ sheet
Orientation is a large event that the department has little control over, except the department 80-minute meeting
Future Meetings:
UAB will host a monthly Town Hall open to all students
Weekly board meetings with public minutes from each
UAB office hours?
Times when student can walk in to discuss issues
Shared space with WECE, if WECE gets own offices
Taking time to go out of town? Know when a major project is due? Give Sarah a heads up ASAP!