Team Members

Dr. Wei Li is a professor of mechanical engineering and a holder of Bob R. Dorsey Professorship at UT-Austin. He received his Ph.D. from The University of Michigan. Before joining UT, he was an associate professor at University of Washington. Dr. Li is a recipient of the NSF CAREER award and the PECASE award. He served as an associate editor of ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering.
Office Location: ETC 5.146

Hanyu Zhu, PhD Candidate (ME)

Enrique Velasquez Morquecho, PhD student (ME)

Zijun Chen, PhD student (ME)

Nina Valle, PhD student (BME)

Austin Euler, PhD student (ME)

Seva Joshi, Undergraduate student (ME)

Hamaza Rehman, Undergraduate student (ME)

Kimberly Wang, Undergraduate student (ChemE)