Dr. Werth is the principal investigator of the NSF NRT project “Reducing Energy Barriers for Novel Water Supply Use in Sustainable Agriculture” and is developing and implementing a graduate education traineeship model to prepare future leaders in the STEM workforce.
The INFEWS Scholar Program has four components to provide students with the skills necessary to tackle complex societal problems:
- Complete interdisciplinary coursework through the food-energy-water-systems course portfolio program, including a sustainable agriculture summer course with our partners at Prairie View A&M
- Engage in experiential learning, explore relevant FEWS topics and more by participating in a weekly seminar with team/cohort.
- Develop communication and job preparation skills through the STEM career development portfolio
- Conduct cutting-edge research and focus on critical challenges at food-energy-water (FEWS) nexus
Learn more about the INFEWS Scholars program at UT Austin.